Weird snare pan problem

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
I'm mixing the demo of the band of one of my friend, and I just received the tracks. But there is something weird going on with the snare.

If I solo both of the overheads mics, the snare pan is actually moving alone. Heres a part of the song where you can hear the snare changing pan:

Does someone knows why it does that, and how to arrange it?!

If there's compression or limiting going on, and the amount of gain reduction is not stereo-linked, then the pan positions get nudged around when more compression is applied to one side than the other.
I have no audio here so I can not check out the file.

But I had that problem a couple of times in the past.

- one was using compression on the overheads and did it bad... not linked and stuff..
- one was using time-stretch to edit the drums in cubase

Well, I would say most of the time it is a compressor which is not set up properly.
I have no audio here so I can not check out the file.

But I had that problem a couple of times in the past.

- one was using compression on the overheads and did it bad... not linked and stuff..
- one was using time-stretch to edit the drums in cubase

Well, I would say most of the time it is a compressor which is not set up properly.

That was the problem, because I reimported the tracks and the problem was gone.

I don't know why it creates that problem though...Another thing like that happened, I tried to arrange a punch with the time stretch function in cubase, than later in the song the fast hihat hits were now crazy and also moving pan.

Even if I don't have the problem anymore, I'd like to know why it does that if someone knows the answer.
I don't know why it creates that problem though...

Well - every track gets processed individually. And the processing is not 100% linear. Imagine stretching a part which is about 10 sec long till it is 12 sec. Only the start and the end is fix - That snare hit which was at 5sec will propably be NOT exactly on sec 6 - maybe it will be at 5 sec and 999ms. On the second OH track it is 6sec 001 ms So we have two ms difference. That is not much. But calculate the distance this will make for the overheads. Maybe that way one overhead "sounds" 50 cm "more far away".

Voila - a moving snare.

Can not explain that good in english. Hope you understand what I want to describe.

EDIT: You can avoid that when converting the stuff to a 10.2 surround file - this will give you 12 channel drums in one file/track - AFAIK that way all drums are processed in sync. But I would say this kind of drumediting sucks big time - you can hear the processing all the time in the cymbals top end etc. Good old school style cut, move, x-fade is still the way to go (at least for me)