Weirdest PP t-shirt reaction?


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Was wearing my PPX shirt on the weekend and had some Jimmy Buffet (you know the type) guy approach me (never a woman). He thought the shirt represented some type of gaming club. The bands on the back were characters or something. :lol: Anyway, just mentioned it was a music festival in Atlanta then paid $60 for my gas.
That's hysterical!

I actually had a guy in college say he love my Pain of Salvation shirt. It was black with the words "Pain of Salvation" in white on the front. No fancy logo, no design. Just POS in what looked like Times New Roman.

Anyways, he comes over to me and he says "that's an awesome shirt! Where did you get it?"

Me: "at their concert during a festival in Atlanta. You know them?"

His smile fades into disappointment. "Ah, I thought it had to do with Jesus." And walks away... :lol:
His smile fades into disappointment. "Ah, I thought it had to do with Jesus." And walks away... :lol:

I had a similar reaction wearing my "Redemption" t-shirt (from their first CD)...lady standing next to me at a Chick-fil-A a few years ago asked what church I went to. I was confused, she pointed at the shirt, and I explained that it was for a progressive-metal band, and they weren't a "Christian metal" band.

She didn't say another word. :lol:

I get a lot of weird compliments on my "At the edge of time" tour shirt (the album cover). Never from anyone who knows who Blind Guardian is. Just people who think it "looks cool"
I've had a couple of women comment on my Pain of Salvation shirts because of the phrase. Other than that, usually my shirts only get comments from people who recognize the band. Earlier this year a girl recognized my Keep of Kalessin shirt, which is a pretty rare occurrence.
I get a lot of weird compliments on my "At the edge of time" tour shirt (the album cover). Never from anyone who knows who Blind Guardian is. Just people who think it "looks cool"

Me, too.. I have the long sleeve shirt from the ATEOT tour, and I get compliments all the time - even more so for the long sleeved Twist In The Myth shirt.. everyone loves dragons. :)

Non-PP related, I get really weird responses to my Dwarves (punk rock).. It says "Teach children to worship Satan" on the back - I get everything from condemnation to "Hey, cool, bro.. I worship Satan too".
I wore my PPIX shirt around campus once and this girl stops me to compliment it. At this point, I'm prepared to marry her and ask her if she's been or if she's going. "Huh? I just liked the colors." :(
Wow, I never in a million years would have expected a DWARVES reference on this forum!!!!!

Yeah, I think the lesson learned is outside of Atlanta, a PP shirt will probably NOT get you laid..............
Wow, I never in a million years would have expected a DWARVES reference on this forum!!!!!

Yeah, I think the lesson learned is outside of Atlanta, a PP shirt will probably NOT get you laid..............

Where IN Atlanta will it help get you laid?
I was at a pet expo (of all places) when some Old School Rocker-type dude stopped me because he saw the back of my PPUSA IX shirt. He wanted to see what bands were on the fest and he absolutely nerdgasmed at the lineup. "Iron Savior! Jon Oliva's Pain! ICED EARTH!!! WHERE DID YOU SEE ALL THESE BANDS???" So I told him all about the fest and gave him the website and told him he should go. :)
I also just had a very, very non-metal guy in the street compliment my Leprous diamond-skull shirt.

Don't think he realizes it's a band. I guess he liked the *bling*.
When I bought Dream Theater's new album from Best Buy I got rung up by a cashier who was a clear hip hop/gangsta guy. He rang the CD up and then got this really curious expression and started asking me about the band and what they sounded like, where they were from, etc.
(I guess it's not really ProgPower related)
Wow, I never in a million years would have expected a DWARVES reference on this forum!!!!!

Punk is a darned good way to spend the metal-less summer months. :) I saw the Dwarves, the Queers, DRI, D.I., MDC, and a bunch of great local acts this summer..

Yeah, I think the lesson learned is outside of Atlanta, a PP shirt will probably NOT get you laid..............

No, but people at a Power/Prog show will go fanboy over the fact that you went to ProgPower.. at Kamelot's show last week, I had at least 10 people tell me what an awesome lineup that was and how they wished they'd gone... and that was with 5 other people wearing PPXIV festival shirts just like mine. :)