Welcome to MD!

They're opening a Krispy Kreme here at Bluewater (big shopping centre about 40 mins away). Most donuts over hear are stale - can't wait for the Krispy Kreme ones :kickass:
Yeah it is strange! Makes me realise how long I've been coming here.....

Has UM been down today, or are people just being shit and not coming here? Only this thread's been posted on since I came here last night!
Good question! I think Ceydn is the resident zombie expert, from memory. Him and Trent.

There are a few people who used to be here all the time, but haven't been on much lately. Spawn, Josh, Bev, Wenda, LT, Spiff's been on a bit, Trent, Wrathy and others. I might have to start posting naked photos of myself to start drawing crowds again.

I finally get a computer, ironcross makes a return from the dead (zombie!), and everyone else fucks off. Well everyone except you lovely folk anyway.
Yeah that is a good point, folks like Wenda, Trixx, Wrath, Kem, Cyclonus etc have been on less as well. I don't want to see this place die. :zombie:

Not having Spawn's contributions means less threads, and having less contributions from Josh means less controversy and discussion, and less posts from everyone else means not much going on! :cry:

Yeah I have been coming here for yonks, it is part of my life now. When did the original board on Maiden Central start? Like 6 years ago? I was only 15 or something! :eek: