Welcome to MD!

Will you come back? Puh-leeease?

Yeah, I've been posting on the Dungeon boards a lot more recently than on here.

Tis currrazy. I miss ye days of old.

I don't think I used 'ye' right there.

And a zombie is undead... so it would be an unALIVE zombie that would make it a normal person.
wait... undead means was dead and is now undead... so unalive would mean was alive, now it's unalive... which would make it dead.

So I'm wrong about an unalive zombie being a normal person.
Well a zombie is undead by default, but being undead doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a zombie, so I think undead zombie is simply a more accurate or specific definition.

Because when you think about it, the zombie part refers largely to behaviour in a way, like when I get out of bed in the mornings.
Blitzkrieg said:
Yeah I have been coming here for yonks, it is part of my life now. When did the original board on Maiden Central start? Like 6 years ago? I was only 15 or something! :eek:

Hmm 1998 - 1999. I can't remember,I had a site called Maiden Australia, and then we did MD which was the begining of the forums.. ie. MC and then Ultimate. Mark might be able to clear this up better :)
I might have been on the old board for a year or so before we transferred to UM. God UM has expanded a shitload since then!
The first MD board was on my Losfer.com domain - using a free UBB :) That was in early 1999.

Then I started Maiden Central and eventually moved the MD forum there.

That would've been mid-99. UM's forum started in April 2001 (hence loads of MD-ers having that as their registration date:)).
I think I've been coming here since around 1999. I know I was in that guestbook Crossy had... and I know the list of people in that guestbook have been posted in a thread somewhere on here at some stage.

I still post from time to time, but generally read/lurk more. I was the 4th registered user, behind Mark, Bev and Crossy so there's no way I'm not gonna be coming back here.
I'm not old sckool :(

Can someone give me a hug and comfort me in my time of need. Say something like "Post counts and join dates don't matter... it's what's inside that counts."

I had a different name before Moon Child which I changed because it was so daggy. In fact it's too daggy to mention so I shouldn't have brought it up. I think I first joined the forum in 2000.
Close. It was Maidengirl. I think Maiden babe would have been less naff than that. I was trying to allude to Supergirl... you know like a cartoon character or something but it just sounded stupid so I got rid of it. :lol: