Welcome to the forum, READ FIRST, READ FIRST, R E A D F I R S T!

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Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Due to many requests this forum was created for intelligent and mature discussions. I am anxious to see how this evolves!

Read this right up front however: this will not be a target for trolls and jerk wads to get your jollies. If an account is matched up to yours as a fake account (and don't think spoofing IPs works these days) registered just to cause trouble here, both accounts will be completely wiped out. If you are a regular to this site, and come here to cause trouble, your account will be banned. These rules apply more so for here than for other band forums on the site because this one is specifically owned by UltimateMetal, and moreso was created with a strict purpose.

This forum is also not an elitist "my opinion is better a-hole!" People's views differ, discuss them, don't force them down others throats. Back them up with facts, descriptions, figures, anything. Reducing the conversation to name calling will do nothing but make you look like a half wit.

Hate to sound so over-the-top with the warning but as many here know, when it comes to public message boards, nothing can quite be better said than HAVING to say it "over-the-top" :) Enjoy the forum!
Heya guys,

To try and curve some of the issues of late in here, let's make a more direct requirement. If you want to post here it's ok to source online articles etc. but if you want to START topics in here, it has to be of your own making/writing. No posting 3rd party articles just to get a discussion going, occasionaly maybe, but I think you know what I mean. Everyone cool with that?

EDIT: Example, its cool to post what you did SunMontage, but discuss why you posted it and your thoughts about it.
Just one thing to add:

We do not expect wizardry in the language department and totally respect that English is not always the first language of visitors. However, paragraphing is much appreciated.

To any new visitors:

We totally appreciate the wonderful question regarding the meaning of life, and have all indeed pondered over the question many times. BUT, as you must be able to understand, new visitors to the thread to generally start up threads upon the same old topics, which can bog down a forum such as this. We only ask that you search for threads on any given topic before creating a new one and if your question is related to life, check this thread:

Final_Product said:
Just one thing to add:

We do not expect wizardry in the language department and totally respect that English is not always the first language of visitors. However, paragraphing is much appreciated.


Please people, attempt to make somewhat philosophical questions. The threads should not merely be a statement of ones beliefs, but a question that can spur discussion. There are chat threads etc elsewhere.

And after a flurry of rather pointless threads as of Feb. 20, I will be much more vigilant in closing down threads, and deleting unneccesary posts.

Hopefully people have heard of the Socratic method. If not, here is a wikipedia article to refresh you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method
The idea here, is someone asks a question, and others offer solutions, hypotheses, etc.; whose logic and truthfulness are debated and examined until some truth has eventually been discovered from what ideas, theories that are left standing.

So please, we are not trying to kill ideas or this forum, but only improve its quality.

Also, due to recent threads, we also will not allow any hateful propaganda to be posted.
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