Welcome to the new Maidens!!

Welcome Courtney and Kirsten!! It's wild having 2 new members at the same time, but it is so refreshing in many ways too. Never done that before, and hope to never have to do that again! :saint: Oye vey, the stress was a killer but well worth it in the long run. :) We are all VERY happy with the new lineup and hope everybody will feel the same way. Thanks for sticking with us, and we look very forward to continue the journey of sharing the Maiden love with fellow Maiden fanatics!! Welcome aboard to Kirsten and Court! :headbang:
Before leaving the U.S. last December, I got to meet Courtney at the Maidens & Friends Christmas show. She's an awesome person to chat with. I haven't met Kirsten yet, but just by looking at the pictures posted over the past week, I know that she's the right vocalist to go with the Maidens.

Welcome to the band, Courtney and Kirsten. Looking forward to seeing you all sometime soon. :headbang:
Welcome!!! It is so good to hear the Maidens are back!!!!! It has been a long wait, but it sounds like it was worth it!! Have a great time at the SFS Swap Meet!!! I wish I could be there!! Maleni's jello and hospitality, and the great sound guys for just a dollar can't be beat!
...is the shit. Though I don't miss being part of the local music "scene", I do miss playing with Highwire. I always thought those shows were the most fun we played...although Ynot makes me want to kill myself.

You're still the best damn singer I've heard around here.

Highwire? Love the name!

Thanks! Yeah, our guitarist came up with the name on the fly right before our first gig (when the venue needed to know what the name of our band was). We covered a couple of Badlands songs, including "Highwire," and it seemed like a pretty cool name to us. :)

You can check out the band on myspace: highwirerocks
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";8281651 said:
Oh stop. (heh heh) But you make-a me feel sooooo good!:p

Hey, Alex, buddy! Great to see you here! And thanks for the mad props (are you drunk posting? :lol: ) Hope all is rockin' with you, and that you are still jammin--you are waaay too good a player to let those guitars gather dust!

Sometimes I say nice things when I'm sober! :kickass: