Welcome to the new official Amaran forum!!!


Sep 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
On the behalf of the rest of the Amaran's I bid you welcome to the new official Amaran forum!!! :)
Me and "Newflesh" are the moderators here and also bandmembers of Amaran so feel free to post away now! :headbang:
Ronnie.B said:
On the behalf of the rest of the Amaran's I bid you welcome to the new official Amaran forum!!! :)
Me and "Newflesh" are the moderators here and also bandmembers of Amaran so feel free to post away now! :headbang:


If you don't mind, what's the status of the video for Inflict? Are you guys done filming it?

np: my dying bride, isis script
The video has been completed but there are a few thing we'd like to be changed in it... We'll wait with spreading it untill we know when the album will be released. But I can say it turned out really great!!!
Oakenson said:
I feel quite dumb asking this :ill: ...but what does Amaran sound like? I have never heard of this band, but they look quite interesting...

No need to feel dumb. :)
We play melodic metal...it's really hard to describe you know, as I think we have our own sound.
It's heavy but still very melodic with female vocals, not operatic style and not goth. It's definitly not goth!!!

I suggest you check out some of our songs and make up your own opinion.
There's a clip from our new upcoming album right here... http://www.amaran.net Click on "Audio".

Let us know what you think about it! :cool:
I downloaded the clip "Atropine" and this is great stuff! :D I must be honest, this definitly exceeded my expectations! Is your upcoming album going to be released domestically in the USA? I definitly want to pick it up! If not, hopefully I will be able to get it from The End. Thank you for your reply and I look forward to your album release! :)
Cool that you liked it!! Our last album "A World Depraved" was distributed by "The End Records" but it remains to be seen who'll distribute "Pristine In Bondage". It will be someone I can asure you of that :)
wowowow, what do I see here, the great Amaran have a forum here... coooool!!! I reviewed the last album, I think even made an interview with one of u mates... well, welcome to Ultimatemetal, I guess I'll hang out here more often ;)
I am just quite happy I now have a new band to listen to! The music is wonderful, and me being a guitar player, the guitar playing is wonderful! I am heavily into melodic guitar playing, and Amaran definitly posesses this! Nonetheless, you guys are wonderful! I think I am going to download those clips from your mp3.com page. If I like, I shall order the album A World Depraved from The End this Friday when I get my allowance! :D
o_O I am entranced by this sample. Woo for new(to me) and awesome bands!