Welcome to the new official Amaran forum!!!

Certainly a smart move to have a forum here at UM, even if it costs a little. Seems like that "sacrifice" has already brought you some new fans. :)

Btw, hi Annie. Good to see you around. :) Dunno if you feel the same about me though. :loco:
Moony said:
Certainly a smart move to have a forum here at UM, even if it costs a little. Seems like that "sacrifice" has already brought you some new fans. :)

Yes, this is very true. Because Amaran decided to sign up with UM (as well as myself) they now have a new listener :) I plan on getting the new album as well as A World Depraved! I am quite excited to order it...and from what I heard (Faith Healer and the Atropine sample), I think their new album will even be better! Of course I do not really know since I am a "newbie" to the band, but the guitars were more melodic on Atropine than on Faith Healer, and this is of course wonderful in my book! :D Anyway, I am excited to get the albums and consider me a new fan! :Spin:
I once saw Pale Forest live when they toured together with The Gathering in winter '01. They were quite nice, I bought their album "Of machines and men" after that...but it's just something you listen to if you really want to relax and/or fall asleep (this is not meant in a negative way ;)). But what's for sure is that they're definitely not metal. I'd call it atmospheric pop/rock with frail female vocals. I don't know the new album, but from what I heard they haven't changed much.
Hearse said:
Nice to be in here.
Ohh by the way, it would be nice if your homepage had "Discography" section, would be alot easier to check how many albums you have ;)

So any gigs on Finland in near future?

We'll have a new site up soon and we'll see what we can do about that :D

Sorry, we have no gigs what so ever at the moment...
Yummie, :hotjump: Amaran forum, thx to Daniel for pointing me here :)

Well, for those that know me, I used to be called TexasFriedCriminal here, but these days it seems that something went wrong with UM's database, I can't login under that nick anymore, so here I am using my writer signum.

for those who care, check out www.neosophia.de

for those who don't :wave:

Anyway, Amaran kills :)
Moony said:
Certainly a smart move to have a forum here at UM, even if it costs a little. Seems like that "sacrifice" has already brought you some new fans. :)
Yep... UM is great way to find out about new bands. I found Amaran through a posting on the Borknagar UM site, when they were potentially going to be touring the UK together. Sadly it fell through, but it at least introduced me to the band, and AWD is in my top 3 albums of last year. Welcome to UM, guys...
Tet said:
Yep... UM is great way to find out about new bands. I found Amaran through a posting on the Borknagar UM site, when they were potentially going to be touring the UK together. Sadly it fell through, but it at least introduced me to the band, and AWD is in my top 3 albums of last year. Welcome to UM, guys...

Thanks man!!! It's cool to hear that we can make someone happy with our music :D :p
heh cool, I'm also a Borknagar fan. But I've only got Empiricism...and I love it. (I still can't understand why Ronnie-2 doesn't like it that much :p :))
Nico16 said:
heh cool, I'm also a Borknagar fan. But I've only got Empiricism...and I love it. (I still can't understand why Ronnie-2 doesn't like it that much :p :))

Well after the masterpiece Quintessence with ICS Vortex on vox, they just didn't cut it with Empiricism and Mr.V on vox. :erk:
Don't get me wrong, I really like Vintersorg as a band (not Visions From The Spiral Generator, to much Empiricism over it) and his vocals are amazing on Ödemarkens Som and Till Fjälls but he doesn't fit Borknagar's music imho. :)
well, AFAIK the new albums of both bands (Borknagar & Vintersorg) are already recorded...I wonder how they turned out...