Well I got into my course!

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003
It's only a Cert IV in Music (Technology) at Adelaide Uni... but I didn't want to get stuck on this whole 9 - 5 work lifestyle, it's too draining and I don't want to fall into that trap.

I'll still have a part time job here, which is good - but the main reason I'm doing this course (apart from y'know, the whole music technology aspect) is so I can meet some musos in Adelaide. I've lived there for a good part of a year without knowing anyone apart from the mrs and it'll be good to see what happens with it.

Edit: I think my side note distracted people. No one's even congratulated me yet and I started this thread :(
Um.. right. Another thread, another reply from I.

Monday I leave for another weeks holiday in Cairns.
Then, from the second week of Feb, I start my Graduate Diploma of Education. Studying is fun. :Spin:

Hazaah! That's my favourite word at the moment.
And small puppies.

Well done, ceydn! I wish I could go back to full-time study and part-time work.
I got bored of it. I can sit down and watch tv for free, I don't need to pay for something to make me do it.

It doesn't show up in my bloodtests now,xena.
3 weeks would be more likely. I had hash cake in my freezer for a while last year, but was afraid of eating it before going to Indonesia, just in case..... I think it might be in my gran's freezer now.