Well, I have decided to join the Military

if seph's real life skills are anything like they are in counter-strike...

...well lets just say...he won't be around all that long.
Anyways, update:

Navy. Already started the paperwork and I will probably going in as a CTO with TS (Top Secret) Clearance SCI. I was thinking about CTI which gives you the same clearance but you need to go through SERS (Or is it SEARS/SEERS?) training but fuck that! I found out what that is today. No fucking way! That's some crazy training. Survival Evasion something something. Here's a somewhat summary of it.........a conversation I was having on IRC with a CS buddy:

*Note: It's kind of long but I did cut a lot of useless information out of the conversation*

[11:54pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> was thinking about CTI until i learned about the fucking training........
[11:55pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> first..........spy training (yes, spy school) then seers (sers, whatever it is) which is like..........survival evasion
[11:55pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» lol
[11:55pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » i need a new map, beat climbersxp
[11:55pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» spy would be crazy
[11:55pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> where you get dropped off and have to survive off of bugs and shit while seals (who are the terrorist acts) look for you
[11:55pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> and u have to evade them
[11:55pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> if you're caught, you're a pow
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> and they actually do terrorist inttergations
[11:56pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» that seems like fun
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> typo
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> no!
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> not fun
[11:56pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» lol
[11:56pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » that would be fun
[11:56pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » lol
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> literally a POW
[11:56pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» not the interrogations part
[11:56pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » i'm so thin they would mistake me for a stick and go right past me
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> dude, they beat the shit out of you
[11:56pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» i meant the hiding part
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> are allowed to break small bones
[11:56pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> put you in a fucking little room and do the whole torture thing
[11:56pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » small spaces = teh wynz
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> the light tricks.........blah blah
[11:57pm]«@ ins|ht_the_nub» seph, u can survive in the wild by fucking a bunch of sheep :D
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> shit goes on for weeks
[11:57pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » lol
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> lol
[11:57pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » i could do it
[11:57pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» LOL
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> i couldn't eat scorpions
[11:57pm]«@ gemini|octoparrot» BHAAAAA
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> and bugs
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> if you're stung.......you're fucked
[11:57pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> you'd die right there
[11:58pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> they wouldn't know you were stung
[11:58pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » i could do it, because i wouldn't get caught
[11:58pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> they'd find your dead body
[11:58pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> dude, you're on foot while they are in humvies and shit
[11:58pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » you can't catch someone who looks like your average stick
[11:58pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> a shitload of them
[11:59pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> if i was caught.........i'd probably break
[11:59pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> not like i have a fucking gun to shoot them with
[11:59pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> that would be another story
[11:59pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » i probably wouldn't escape but i can stand torture for awhile
[11:59pm] <SSJ4SephirothX> 2-4 weeks of torture?
[11:59pm]«+ ins|2`zelik » lol.. maybe a week then i'm phucked
[12:01am] <SSJ4SephirothX> CTI is mainly on plane.........i'll be CTO which is ship and mainland
[12:02am] <SSJ4SephirothX> shit, if you're caught, they're allowed to beat the shit out of you and put you in a small room
[12:02am]«+ ins|2`zelik » until i got captured
[12:02am] <SSJ4SephirothX> and also not let you sleep
[12:02am]«+ ins|2`zelik » put me in a small room, that would make me happy
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> lemme tell you about the light tricks
[12:03am]«+ ins|2`zelik » i'm an insomniac so i wouldn't beable to sleep :p
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> they will fuck with your sense of night and day
[12:03am]«+ ins|2`zelik » i have no sense of night and day to begin with..
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> they will simulate night and day with a light
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> some days it'll be on, some off
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> then, 2 hours on, 4 hours off
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> random amounts of time
[12:03am]«+ ins|2`zelik » make them think days last longer
[12:03am] <SSJ4SephirothX> so u may think that it's been 2 weeks, but it's only been 1 day
[12:03am]«+ ins|2`zelik » heh
[12:04am] <SSJ4SephirothX> and then they won't allow u to sleep
[12:04am] <SSJ4SephirothX> if you get caught sleeping
[12:04am]«+ ins|2`zelik » they'd have to feed me nyquil
[12:04am] <SSJ4SephirothX> they beat the shit out of you
[12:04am] <SSJ4SephirothX> now breaking doesn't mean you're discharged
[12:04am] <SSJ4SephirothX> but repremanded
[12:05am] <SSJ4SephirothX> i'd rather not go through that hell when i could get the same clearance
[12:05am] <SSJ4SephirothX> without it
[12:05am] <SSJ4SephirothX> not much difference between CTI and CTO except CTI is mainly aboard aircraft
[12:16am] <SSJ4SephirothX> would be cool but i'd probably end up like that dude on The Hunted
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> trained killer goes psycho
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> lol
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> never did see that movie though
[12:17am]«+ ins|2`zelik » heh, has anyone ever evaded capture?
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> i would think so
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> you are at a starting point and you have to find the finish point..........you know the distance but no the direction
[12:17am]«+ ins|2`zelik » maan, if i evaded capture that would be sweet
[12:17am] <SSJ4SephirothX> i probably could............for a while
[12:20am] <SSJ4SephirothX> i'm a guitarist
[12:20am] <SSJ4SephirothX> i don't need broken pinkys
[12:20am] <SSJ4SephirothX> and fingers
[12:20am] <SSJ4SephirothX> lol
SSJ4SephirothX said:
@Zsu: Why didn't he like it? Was it the job he chose or what?

@Viking: Navy, not Army damnit, NAVY!!

Seeing how this has DICK to do with bodom, I will drop the bomb.... :blush:

Thought your exagerating ass was going into the only military branch to be in... the airforce. WTF you heading into the navy now? You really should get to talking to someone who knows shit pal! Survailance is where it is at homes´! You want to get into military intelligence (ha ha) you have to be where it is hot man! Seeing how you seem to intrested in computers, this is where you would fit in. I my self work at 28,000 feet and let me tell you, the world is looking mighty fucking bleak from up here. Realize your strengths, drop the pipe dreams! You have to know shit to get out of it!

Ps. You really do not have that truck you were bragging about do you now Steven? :blush:
Mammoth said:
Seeing how this has DICK to do with bodom, I will drop the bomb.... :blush:

Thought your exagerating ass was going into the only military branch to be in... the airforce. WTF you heading into the navy now? You really should get to talking to someone who knows shit pal! Survailance is where it is at homes´! You want to get into military intelligence (ha ha) you have to be where it is hot man! Seeing how you seem to intrested in computers, this is where you would fit in. I my self work at 28,000 feet and let me tell you, the world is looking mighty fucking bleak from up here. Realize your strengths, drop the pipe dreams! You have to know shit to get out of it!

Ps. You really do not have that truck you were bragging about do you now Steven? :blush:

How about you put more thought into your posts and make it understandable? :lol: I still don't understand the point you're trying to get across. Also, why would I lie about my truck? Of course I have it........durrrrrr.......
SSJ4SephirothX said:
I decided to go into the Military. More than likely I will join the Air Force because they are more laid back :lol:
Awsome man! I am going to go into the Air National Guard, which you prolly know is much like the AF. I have SUCH a cool story from afew days ago when I was invited to visit a Texas ANG station(I'm 16, so for me it was the coolest thing ever)...if you're interested ask because it was sooo cool and I need people who can appreciate it!:grin: (my friends are just like "wow:Smug:"):p:yell:
Basic in Lacklund wasn't hard at all. It went by real fast and you shouldn't run into too many problems. Remember to always address the Seargents with a Sir trainee "dumbass(insert name)" reports as ordered. Watch for officers to salute and be prepared for a lot of marching drill. It isn't really very physical at all. When your filling out paperwork in the big building where they make you wait for hours on end during the 2nd or 3rd week of training, take a piss and look in the stall on the right hand side where I drew the Death logo. Ahhh, memories.