Should I stay or should I go?

That sounds pretty lame tbh. Although I envied pogue jobs like that for a while.

I assume you are going to get out and then go to school ya? Did you decide on what you wanted to study?

The lame thing about my MOS is it is relativily useless unless the US went to war with someone with an air force. During exercises it's definitely very un-pogue. But in between, yeah it's pretty much pogue.

I couldn't have done ground side, I would have probably been a LCPL forever due to flipping out on the idiots who would have been in charge of me. Just having to deal with mt and eng personnel coming from ground units is bad enough.

I intend to drive a truck when I get out. I like driving and prefer to work alone/listen to music while working so it seams like the perfect job for me. Used a years worth of TA last year to get my CDL so thats out of the way.
Don't know what I am going to do about school yet, but I intend to take full advantage of the new GI bill. Probably will look into a local college once I get settled somewhere, and I would do a history major or something.

Army,Navy, etc...

I heard the boot camp was brutal in the corps. Not that I don't think I can handle the physical part, but I think mentally I might freak out.

From what I am hearing boot camp is getting extremely pussified across the board.
Army,Navy, etc...

I heard the boot camp was brutal in the corps. Not that I don't think I can handle the physical part, but I think mentally I might freak out.

Well, the way the Military works is there are two groups. A good analogy is the AFC and the NFC in football.

Everyone, or at least most people know that the Marine Corps is a department of the Navy. They basically took on a lot of the courtesies and customs the Navy had and modified it to their own specifications. Most if not all of the termonology in the Navy and Marine Corps is the same (bulkhead, deck, starboard, port, they both say Aye Aye sir and all that jazz), and both branches work interchangably a lot of the time. There wasn't a single day I didn't see a Navy enlisted member or officer when I was running around on the Marine Corps base, or out in the field. It's just the way it is.

This is my own bias speaking here, but you can almost look at the Army and Air Force as the shitbag branches honestly. The Army is a wanabe Marine Corps, except everything about them is easier and there is less of sense of urgency for some reason. The Marine Corps is training you for war 24/7, or at least that's how you should look at it. The Army is just kind like "yeah we might go to war meh." And then of course the Air Force shouldn't even be considered a branch of the military. It's just like another 9-5 job. No excitement, no pride, no nothing. Just a bunch of people trying to milk the government for all of the benefits.

If I were to do it all over again and enlist, I would enlist in the Navy. You can select a rating (their term for job, MOS for Marines) that will get you on a ship and take you just about anywhere in the world while be relatively safe in the process. If you join the Marine Corps, no matter your MOS, you are going to see combat of some sort.

However, if I were you or anyone thinking about joining the military at all, I highy recommend joining as an officer, no matter what the branch.

About Marine Corps boot camp, yeah it sucks. It doesn't matter if your platoon is the best ever, or the worst ever, you're going to be treated like crap for 13 straight weeks regardless. That's just the way it is. Like I said before, the Marine Corps is around to train people to be killers, because that's what they do. Though I will say, the modern day Marine Corps is turning into a pussified bunch. I had a friend who recently went to boot camp in the Marines and he said they aren't allowed to say fuck anymore. They have to say "freak, freaken, friggin" and all that shit. All because a bunch of stupid moms who don't know what the fuck they are letting their kid get into complained and said that the drill instructors were "too mean to my child." HA! Hello you stupid fucks, war is mean, death is mean, people shooting rounds at you is mean, Marine Corps boot camp, is not mean.

Here's some videos if you are interested:

:lol: The first one is my favorite.

The Navy boot camp is pretty cake really. It's only 9 weeks long compared to the Marine Corps' 13. Army is 9 weeks long, Air Force is only 6. I honestly don't know what you could learn in only six weeks but whatever.

I hear the Navy is pretty intense but nowhere near as intense as Marine Corps boot camp.
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good luck if you decide to go for it
However, if I were you or anyone thinking about joining the military at all, I highy recommend joining as an officer, no matter what the branch.

Forgot to hit this, I would recommend enlisting and then do the enlisted-officer thing. (MECEP/BOOST in the Marine Corp, don't know the names of the other branches options) "Mustang" officers are generally much better because they have a better understanding of what their subordinates do/how their decisions will get implemented, etc.
I have had way to many experiences with boot lieutenants who thought they were hot shit just because of the brass but were complete dumbasses/lacking in any kind of experience.
The Air Force is a shitty branch because it actually gives some semblance of employee benefits? The marine corps treat their employees like absolute shit.
What are you talking about? They get the same benefits across the board except when it comes to a signing bonus. The Air Force just isn't very military like, for being a branch of the military is all I'm saying.
I'm talking about benefits meaning time off, base life, etc. I've been to Marine Corp/Army bases and they are horrible compared to AF bases. And my dad has been to Iraq 5 times since the war started, so just because their everyday schedule isn't configured like boot camp doesn't mean that they don't put the time in.

Don't be dissin mah AF! I'm probably going to end up being a af jag for a few years anyway
The Air Force just isn't very military like, for being a branch of the military is all I'm saying.

While in MOS school we had a weekend trip to Nellis AFB to see the "Aviation Threat Museum." The AF personnel didn't even know how to act around us. All our shit was squared away and most of the AF enlisted we had to interact with were fat and looked like they slept in their cammies.
This is my own bias speaking here, but you can almost look at the Army and Air Force as the shitbag branches honestly. The Army is a wanabe Marine Corps, except everything about them is easier and there is less of sense of urgency for some reason. The Marine Corps is training you for war 24/7, or at least that's how you should look at it. The Army is just kind like "yeah we might go to war meh." And then of course the Air Force shouldn't even be considered a branch of the military. It's just like another 9-5 job. No excitement, no pride, no nothing. Just a bunch of people trying to milk the government for all of the benefits.

:lol: :lol:
Whoever says join the Marines because it's more hardcore than the others..why don't you join the Israeli Elite Krav Maga Riotsquad Trooper Camp? How's that for being a hardcore badass? No benefits, no customized lunchbox, and sure as hell no fun! But you will be getting elbowed to the face by your instructor on a daily basis