Well, it seems there is some bad news for the next US Opeth tour....

Hey, I'm going to the show I'm going to for Opeth, and I'm not going to be let down by anything else. I've heard Coal Chamber, and they were terrible, but DevilDrive can't be as bad. I've never heard Kataklysm or Moonspell, so... Opeth! Yeah!
Kevinmetal said:
What's all this complaining about opening acts?!?!?! I can't even go see Opeth because I'm from Holland...:( and they aren't doing a european tour this year (so I've heard).

And uhm I haven't really seen a pit at Opeth concerts, it's all about headbanging you fools! :p

LOL, right on Kevin, unfortunately that show's the big difference between the european crowds and the north american crowds! Over here, you go to an alternative rock show and you'll see people trying to start a pit lol I've been to several Opeth shows here where I've seen people trying to pit during their songs, and getting highly frustrated because of all the clean sections in the songs! But to each their own, however one chooses to enjoy his or her concert experience is fine, as long as it doesn't mess with anyone else's.

And I have no place whatsoever to make any statements about tour bookings and the how's and why's and all that, but I do think that throwing a band on the bill in-between Moonspell and Opeth, particularly a band that is so stylistically different, sort of ruins the vibe those bands present together and is going to be an odd experience. It will be enjoyable overall, nonetheless though.
who's down with me to carry a big ass sign at irving in NYC against this shitty ass band? and to praise the band that should be there, kataklysm! i'll have opeth praiing on it as well ;p. I'll get a photo/press pass too so should have no trouble bringing it in, i'll sit it up right on front when devildriver and dez's gay ass goes on stage.
i think that kataklysm's whining about this was kind of a "nu-metal" like thing to do. labels, labels, labels *pukes*........give them a chance and realize that there really is no one that is worthy enough to share the stage with opeth in the first place.
It's criminal that Moonspell are the opener...I'm really getting sick of these tours coming through with the random nu-metal band on the bill. There's a reason we are into bands like Opeth and Moonspell...we're trying to stay away from this garbage for christs sake! Kataklysm is a KILLER death metal band from Canada and they would have been perfect for this tour! FUCK!!!!

Oh well...I'm seeing Opeth for the 3rd time in 9 months....that's definitely a good thing.......what the hell am I bitching about? :Spin:
Shit like this happens, get over it, many bands that get the bill dont have any control over it.. yeah it might be an extremely odd bill, but wtf, respect should go out to the bands that play, if you dont like them, then thats your opinion, who cares.. I wouldnt be bitchin at all, I'd just love to see Opeth in concert just once god damnit, I wouldnt give a shit who else was playin, damn... a bunch of picky bastards you all are. I live in Florida, so the chances of me seeing Opeth anytime soon are very slim.. bah
I saw Devil Driver open for Morbid Angel and Supercrap Ritual not too long ago. Didn't think it was bad at all. And this is coming from someone that despises Coal Chamber with a passion. Yea, I'm disappointed that Kataklysm's not on the tour, but it beats being bored to death by Tapping The Vein again.

Goes to show how un-unified metal is right now when a band is critisized way before they even start the tour simply because it's a tad different from the headliner. And no, Devildriver isn't really setting the world of metal on fire, but at least listen to them before going "fuck nu-metal fags!!!!!!!"
Dmanx Pit said:
I saw Devil Driver open for Morbid Angel and Supercrap Ritual not too long ago. Didn't think it was bad at all. And this is coming from someone that despises Coal Chamber with a passion. Yea, I'm disappointed that Kataklysm's not on the tour, but it beats being bored to death by Tapping The Vein again.

Goes to show how un-unified metal is right now when a band is critisized way before they even start the tour simply because it's a tad different from the headliner. And no, Devildriver isn't really setting the world of metal on fire, but at least listen to them before going "fuck nu-metal fags!!!!!!!"

Well...I did listen to them...and here's my take, it's shitty nu-metal meets death metal with horrendous vocals. The jackass couldn't sing in Coal Chamber and, suprise suprise, he still can't in Devildriver. I have a question, how can you call your band a name like that with a straight face?

Btw, my buddies are REALLY trying to get me into the metal THEY are listening to (devil driver being one of them) and they just don't care to give Opeth a try. It seems they get annoyed everytime I mention them...?

Anyway, I listened to Devil Driver and must say, they are quite decent. They're not complete shit like many want to believe - give it a try. But even still, it's not a band I would listen to quite often. In fact, I would NEVER own any otheir albums.

And yes, Coal Chamber just WASN'T up my alley. Not good at all.

Man, I STILL can't believe they're on tour with OPETH!!!???? Aye, I'm disappointed it's THEM and not Kataklysm - which I haven't heard yet, but wanted to for quite some time now. I read reviews.

What's more surprising to me is that OPETH is on tour again. SWEET!!!! I saw them 3 times already...2 times for delieverance and once for damnation. I would KILL to see them again, especially if they're performing songs they haven't really performed live before. Awesome.

One question...when and where? I'm canadian, so I'm hoping one of the locations is Detroit - my best bet since I'm so close to there.
JoeVice said:
i think that kataklysm's whining about this was kind of a "nu-metal" like thing to do. labels, labels, labels *pukes*........give them a chance and realize that there really is no one that is worthy enough to share the stage with opeth in the first place.
Hello dillhole. Actually, plenty of bands are worthy to share a stage with Opeth, but that group of bands definately does not include numetal shiznat.

Ummm he voiced hes opinion about a fuckin label which is exactly what numetal is not about. They are a product of the label's idea of what music is most marketable. And saying that no band can share the stage with them is just a barrel of horseshit because Opeth are honored to play with bands they admire.