well, it's about FREAKIN time already....

i love that he tried to say he was framed. how do you NOT smell a rotting body in yr freakin closet? HELLO? IS PSYCHO THERE?
he is SO the stereotypical sensitive pony tail guy that goes and takes women's studies classes at smith and gives all the girls the creeps.
i know! the french are morons, and they are stinky too.
i think they just dont ever like to deport people to the US who are facing the death penalty, which i can understand, but i mean.... it's not like ira here is a real stand up fuckin dude or something...
i think the french would be all right if they werent so preachy and accepted that they themselves are at least as evil and nasty as the other countries they look down on. like, don't lecture the U.S. about racism and mumia abu-jamal when your fucking country is the one who gives tax breaks to couples who have racially pure, white, Gallic children in an effort to put the squeeze on north african immigrants.
wasn't it l.f. celine who said that the french people consisted of those europeans driven to the waters by plague, tumors, disease, and filth? so yea, that's what they're all about.
and i really adore how also britain fancies itself with clean hands. like, HI REMEMBER HOW LIKE U HAD SLAVES IN THE WEST INDIES AND STUFF?
well, you have to give the brits credit...their navy singlehandedly stopped the atlantic slave trade.

and of course they had other motivations, but as i lectured falsetodd, every altruistic act in history was accompanied by some naughty motivations as well.