Well it's Bootleg TIME !

Feb 13, 2002
Rimouski, Quebec Canada
Well since nothing is going on, I might start something interresting :hotjump:
What i have to trade here (only trade not selling !) is a video show on cd in mpeg 1 format of SADUS....

The show is a full one of 30mins. It was done in Cleveland on december 6th 1990.......it has the capacity of 450mb on the cd. Rob Lewis was still in the band during that time........

I would give this bootleg a very good 4/5 rating for the image and sound....

****If someone would like to trade for this, I accept only Bootlegs shows (no officials shows) or 2 audio bootlegs shows...........*****

And yes Steve D. is mad on the bass......

To do a trade leave me a message here
is the filming very close to Steve?

I have a great Sadus show playing most of the material on Elements of Anger. i would give it a 4/5 too! i will only trade if the filming is very close to Steve! the one I have films him most of the show!
It's not a front row filming, but every member get some very clear close-up.......the guy that was filming isn't very far from the stage...maybe 10 meters so in general you almost see very body playing all the time.

I also have other shows of sadus in VHS where there's a lot more bass mayhem.


And, I have that Iron Maiden video live from that "Gimme Ed Till I'm Dead" tour, 6/june/2003, they play Revelations, 22 Acacia Ave, etc :)

Wanna trade???

Please contact me, my email is israelmbf@kovacs.com.br

I have other bootlegs too!!!
That´s for ya Botleg freaks that use Emule/Edonkey

Go to www.eselmetal.de

There they have a HUGE archive with tons of links to Metal videos to share throught Emule/Edonkey.

They even have Death´s Live in Florence show, with the original lineup of ITP, and Steve-o using his Black-Fenderlike-Fretless-Monster. A must see.
Higon said:
That´s for ya Botleg freaks that use Emule/Edonkey

Go to www.eselmetal.de

There they have a HUGE archive with tons of links to Metal videos to share throught Emule/Edonkey.

They even have Death´s Live in Florence show, with the original lineup of ITP, and Steve-o using his Black-Fenderlike-Fretless-Monster. A must see.
hey!this is great!

many thanks....

I didn't personally like it much! too slow and not too many users have the files I needed! so I never got anything transferred! I might be doing somethign wrong. If someone knows more about how it works, please let us know. I know i got to download Emule and I did, yet things didn't work well, dunno which servers I need to log onto!

However, I have that Florence show, I can send it to you HippieOfDoom!
How does this thing work? It won't take me to the video, just keeps saying that "link not found" or some shit.
Guess who´s back? Ye old Steve-o...

You must have emule installed in your computer in order to download these videos. I don´t know if you use it or know how it works, but in case you don´t know, it´s a kind of "Napster" for sharing files, but with a diferent system.

You can download emule at www.emule-project.net.

If you can´t get it to work, just post a reply here or ask me in hignoclius@hotmail.com
If someone knows more about how it works, please let us know. I know i got to download Emule and I did, yet things didn't work well, dunno which servers I need to log onto!
Let me see... Well. Some files are pretty hard to download. I have a "Death Combat Tour" in the download list that I think will never finish.

Emule works like this: When you log into the server, the program start looking in the network for users that have the files in your DL (Download List), and then put you "in the line" to await to start downloading this files. If you stay connected for a long time, you chances for downloading are better. I use to let my computer connected all night.

You must choose the servers that have the most users connected. The default server list that comes with emule is a fucking crap. Get the list from http://ed2k.2x4u.de/index.html

In www.emule-project.net you´ll find a pretty good faq that will help you a lot.

If you have any other questions just ask me.
Sounds way too fucking complicated and gives me a headache. Damm, I just wanted to see me and Craig doing windmills on both sides of Chuckie. Forget it, I remember that video going around years ago. My friend in France has it and I remember it wasn't the best quality. I always have the ol' brain to store memories...ahh, let me see...yes, Anacrusis was the support on that tour and they came off the stage getting razzed (I would say booed off, but that's too harsh to what really happened) and they had spit all on their hair and guitars. Chuck started freaking out and saying he wanted to cancel, he didn't want to get spit on. Well me and Gene were like, no way man! lets play! Chuck didn't want to but he reluctantly went out there. So the set went fine, no boos, no spit, just a great and friendly Italian crowd. It wasn't fair to Anacrusis who were an awesome band and played an awesome set, but it was just a very aggressive way of the Florence crowd to show support to the headliner - by diss'ing the support. Anyway, in my opinion, the best Death tour I ever participated in. In one more month, that show will be one decade old...10 years!!! Shites!

Hi Steve, if you want that Florence show,I can ship it to you, i encode it to a vcd format so it can be viewed on a dvd player (if your dvd player support vcds...)

By the way i'm the guy who sent you and the rest of the Sadudes the "Damn live Bootleg" (audio cd) ....Hope Rob did receive his copy that i sent him....could you confirm that to me?

Sadus FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Damm, I just wanted to see me and Craig doing windmills on both sides of Chuckie.
Craig was specially wild in this show. Turbo Windmill during Living Monstrosity. But they don´t focus the camera on you that much. And Gene was just a shadow in the background. Anyway it´s a fucking great Bootleg.
Higon said:
Let me see... Well. Some files are pretty hard to download. I have a "Death Combat Tour" in the download list that I think will never finish.

Emule works like this: When you log into the server, the program start looking in the network for users that have the files in your DL (Download List), and then put you "in the line" to await to start downloading this files. If you stay connected for a long time, you chances for downloading are better. I use to let my computer connected all night.

You must choose the servers that have the most users connected. The default server list that comes with emule is a fucking crap. Get the list from http://ed2k.2x4u.de/index.html

In www.emule-project.net you´ll find a pretty good faq that will help you a lot.

If you have any other questions just ask me.
Ok, I just downloaded eMule and the server list you give above. I choose the servers with the highest number of users. I am currently trying to get these:
1) Death - Live In Florence.
2) Death - Live In Koln.
3) Death - Combat Tour 2.
So far, I get NOTHING on any of the 3 downloads. Should I keep changing servers in the list, or does that disrupt the process? And should I make any specific changes on settings/prefs other than the default settings to get the best results?