Well shit...

It seems that nowasays, all cops I run into, or who my friends run into, are stupid pieces of shit who harass everyday citizens and enforce the stupids laws waaaay too much without any regard or leniency, yet they are the same fucks who do nothing to prevent actual serious crimes, and would probably cry and say something to themselves like 'Don't be a hero, just hang back' if they were ever in a situation that was dangerous. Fuck cops.

A couple of thing to think about nexted time.
One, before you slow down to stop, check your speed, that'll give you a good Idea of whether or not he/she is pulling you over for speeding. Plus you can also see how fast you were going. If you were waay over the speed limit then the next suggestion wouldn't really work.
Two, Ask the officer if you can see the Radar gun.. They have to show it to you if they told you that
they "clocked" you going x speed, even if you were speeding still ask to see the radar gun.
pretty much all State Troopers are trained on how to use their radar gun but police and sheriff on the otherhand aren't always trained, it doesn't mean that they are not trained in it but you have a good chance that they aren't. So when they show up to court ask to see if they have their certifications and whether or not the Gun was Calibrated on that night. If its not calibrated the judge will probably just throw the case out. Also don't believe them if they tell you that they know how fast you're going just by looking at your car, thats horse shit because 55-60 isn't that noticeable when your counting from point A to point B.
If I were a Cop I wouldn't give someone a ticket for going 5Mph over the speed limit, I'd just tell you to slow your ass down!
Yeah, that's the thing. I have absolutely no idea how fast I was going. You're right, I should have checked my speed. I was just so surprised when the cop was pulling me over.

Oh well it's over with. Hopefully insurance won't take too big of a hit from 5 over.
While on the subject.

I was on my way to Opeth on their 08 tour of australia.
I had to drive 3 hours for it, and wanted some time to relax before hand.

So i decided to do 120 in a 110 zone, whilst on my P plates.
to my surprise :goggly: about an hour into the trip, a cop comes around a bend and flashes me, turns around and pins me.

I have now learned my lesson.

the fine was $475, plus a loss of liscence for 6 months, and i have to
re-apply for my L plates and work my way up.

which will no doubt cost around $150

Plus i had to pay $60 to hand in my liscence to the state???
and I have to pay a further $33 so i can receive drivers counselling.

soo. :zombie:

I fucking regret it now.

btw. the opeth show was awesome :kickass: