"We'll sign anything!"

Babydollcybergoth said:
but what exactly is the appeal?
they're just squishy when you squeeze them... that's kinda boring... you can do that with your own ass...
When in the right mood, the woman feels good when her breasts are squeezed/rubbed/whatevered

And also they're usually hidden, unlike guys' chests because they're not afraid to go shirtless
Babydollcybergoth said:
but what exactly is the appeal?
they're just squishy when you squeeze them... that's kinda boring... you can do that with your own ass...

LOL. Man, that is funny. There's a big difference between a man's own ass and a good pair of tits. Just trust me. :D
Babydollcybergoth said:
alright i'll take your word on it...
i must admit that it is nice to have a friend with pillowy bossoms...

"Pillowy bosoms." There's a good band name!
Go early and see if anyone is selling extra tickets. Or at the least you could listen from outside!
Well, the old lady hates to remind you guys of this part (maybe not too much, though)...They feed babies, too. Did you know that one can shoot a man in the eye right across the room if you learn to aim your breastmilk right? For one who cannot aim her pee like a man can, THAT's truly amazing, and most useful, too. Speaking from experience here, of course.