
Black Winter Day said:
Holy hell that site rules!

The forum is the place to go if you want really obscure stuff. Go to the Bands forum, and there is a thread for tons of pagan/viking/heathen/folk bands that I've never even heard of.

Church of Misery, The Black League: who?

CoM: stoner groove doom from Japan

TBL: bluesy stoner metal with a Nordic feel (from Finland)

DEP: I figured you'd be all over these guys. I thought you liked Converge and all that. Maybe it was just Nate...

I've tried. I just don't like DEP or Converge.
Black Winter Day said:
Nope, no Kyuss for one reason: it's still fucking cold outside! I want beer-guzzling, laying in the hot summer sun music!
It doesn't even matter to me anymore, I've been driving around wearing full leather with the windows down blasting stoner all winter. Only cold rainy days make me listen to black metal anymore, and sometimes even then I go for Katatonia and late-period Ulver anyhow.

BWD said:
Calculating Infinity >>>>> Miss Machine (but it's still good)
Haven't heard that one, I guess I need to. Didn't they have a real bogus singer for that one though? Not that the dude on Miss Machine is great, but he's effective. Then Patton on the EP of course rocked, but I now dig the new one better.
There is nothing particularly strinking about the vocalist on CI that I've noticed. No clean vocals really, either (which is probably a good thing considering the GODAWFUL lyrics on MM). It's much more technical than MM as well. I need the Patton ep, but I'll be damned if I'm paying $11 for it in a store.