We're back!

Yea it’s a compliment, it means that they’re jealous and shaking from fear of the competitions impact with some hot rockin’ band full of chicks making them afraid for the draw. I would make it a point to brag about it over there prior to the next tour.
darthrya said:
Now, how can you tease us fans about a love motel and not give any details? :lol:

We were a little surpised by that one in all honesty, because normally they put us up in the officers quarters on base. But there were training exercises going on and no room for us there. Our first clue that we weren't at your average hotel was the name of the place - it was called "The Hole In One" and there were no golf courses in sight!

We were greeted at the door by the proprietress who was very nice, actually. We noticed a bank of video screens on the wall of the office showing the hallways and doors and thought "How nice - they have excellent security!"

Into the elevators we went - and on to our rooms. We noticed the vending machines in the hallway immediately - they were hot screaming pink! I thought "How asian!" :lol: At first glance it looked like a perfume vending machine because there was a crystal type object in there that could have been a bottle of scent. But then as we looked a little closer we realized they were NOT for perfume at all! It was a dildo vending machine! With various types depending on your budget and preferences! :hypno:

Our rooms came complete with round beds, showers with nozzles in various strategic positions and complimentary condoms, too! Good to know they practice safe sex in Korea!

All along I was thinking to myself, "No wonder my mom was so freaked out by my wanting to become a musician!!" :lol: We found out later from one of the base guards that this was where they put all the VIPS who come to visit the base! :eek: They don't have Marriots or even a Motel 6 in Chinhae - just little mom and pop hotels and this was one of the safest ( as in your stuff will still be there in your room when you return to it) and nicest motels in town.

But not because of those security cameras, though - we found out what they were for later - DRZ got a midnight knock on his door from a young lady inquiring as to whether he needed "service?"
Air Raid Siren said:
- it was called "The Hole In One" and there were no golf courses in sight!
That´s cool! :rock:

It was a dildo vending machine! With various types depending on your budget and preferences! :hypno:
Where were you? Korea or ..Thailand!:lol:

But not because of those security cameras, though - we found out what they were for later - DRZ got a midnight knock on his door from a young lady inquiring as to whether he needed "service?"
I´d say "hell yeah!!" :Smokin:
spideyjg said:
This falls into the, if you made it up nobody would believe you, file. :lol: :lol:


Are you kidding - you could never make up something this bizarre!

...oh wait... yes you can- we were a little nervous about Guam because we had read on the internet that though it was a lot like Hawaii, poisonous brown snakes are everywhere- dropping down from the trees, crawling about, hiding in the closet, you name it... The stats were something outrageous- like 2000 snakes per sq mile! Guess what - surprise surprise :p - it was all LIES!! :lol:

Though they did have a lot of toads hopping around at night, as well as cute little geckos running about everywhere! We saw so many little toad skeletons on the roads that were squished by car tires. One night I was out on my balcony, enjoying the balmy night air and the number of toads hopping about made me think of that really bad B movie from the 70's (?) called Frogs. Kinda freaky!! :yuk:
Awesome, I worked in the reactor rooms on quite a few occasions on subs and carriers, that's probably why I'm sterile.. :lol: but anyway those things are an awesome piece of engineering. It's hard to believe something that big can go so fast under water.