We're back!

It's hard to believe they fit so much stuff and people in those too! :hypno: We have some pics of Wanda going down an empty torpedo tube! :notworthy I got to feed a sailor in the dining area...hee hee. Sara and I crashed out on some bunks underneath tamahawk torpedos! Aja was the first one down the ladder into the sub, brave girl! :kickass: Mark handed out Maidens' guitar picks to all the people aboard the sub! :rock: What a fun and informative day that was. :)
Doodoobubbachuck said:
We have some pics of Wanda going down an empty torpedo tube!

I think shooting bass players at the enemy is banned by the Geneva convention. We have too much destructive power. :lol:

Aja was the first one down the ladder into the sub, brave girl! :kickass: Mark handed out Maidens' guitar picks to all the people aboard the sub! :rock: What a fun and informative day that was. :)

Well of course you send the black belt down first. Smart move. :goggly:
