We're going to the Bridgewater Triangle right now


Nov 9, 2001
at 11:30 PM, Sunday. Basically our plan of action is to head down 95 and enter the triangle at Rehoboth on route 44. We'll travel down 44 searching for the legendary red-headed highway ghost until we get to rte 24, and then head North to the cursed Hockamock swamp.

See, I had a dream that mia, alex, and I had an encounter with an Australian sea monster cryptid last night... but the key here is that in the dream, we got PHOTOGRAPHS of it.

I woke up and when I said hi to Mia and suggested going cryptiod hunting tonight, she said 'how about the Bridgewater triangle?' which is the location i had in mind, too. Finding this + the dream to be a bit auspicious we're heading out to see what we can see.

Findings, if any, in a few hours.
jealous, and why did my thread about possibly appearing in a Fortean documentary just vanish into thin air after i sent it?

anyhow, good luck - post findings!
OK so we just got back. Didn't spend too much time at the swamp because we felt a little unprepared and it was late. (I have to go to fucking @#!$@^# waste of time/energy drain in the morning).

Anyhow we stood on the edge of the swamp for a little while looking and listening. It's a huge shame that the swamp is located right between two major highways, so it's kind of a task to discern the normal highway sounds from anything odd going on in the swamp.
We had a decent amount of noises but nothing that seemed too unusual, except for one notable thing.

After about 10 minutes of remaining still and quiet, two droning sounds began simultaneously - one from the north and one from the south. The southerly one was a higher pitched fast somehwhat distorted oscillation and the northerly sound was like a very deep groan. Both sounds continued for a couple minutes and then died out together.

Perhaps the *most* interesting part of this is that very shortly after the twin sounds died down, I could hear/feel an ELF (extremely low frequency) being emitted from the north in bursts of 1. There seemed to be no regularity to the length of time between them, but in total i think the ELF was emitted 6-7 times.

Also notably from where we were standing, there was a large and heavily wooded island in the swamp to the NORTH of us.
that sounds good.

what's the weather like down there?

i think the basic skeptic would say "frogs" or "environmental settling", but i don't know enough about either frogs or swamps in the late fall to speculate.

i wonder if the ELF "transmissions" were apparent before these two noises and they just brought your attention to them... but... you imply that they stopped before you left?

also, are you (un)usually sensitive to that sort of thing?

Mia heard the same stuff?
i heard the twin droning sounds, one of which sounded almost like this eerie, deliberate moaning.

regarding the ELF, i couldn't hear/feel it at all. but then again, i'm a violinist, and it's difficult for me to hear anything below the range of the notes of a violin (low G), even if i squint my ears.

bad. :(
nick, it was fairly cloudy, 41 degrees. You are right that they could have been happening before the twin drones, however, we were silent/still for a good ten minutes before the drones and I didn't detect them.

Also after about 7 of the ELFs there was a period of a few minutes when I heard nothing, but I suddenly got pretty upset/pissed off and decided to leave. Not really the markings of a respectable researcher, but I'll go back another day.

The area is actually quite large and the island I mentioned intrigues me especially.

Also I do have a pretty sensitive range of hearing, but this is the first time I've heard anything like this out-of-doors, produced "naturally" (i.e. not pre-recorded).
i think you have better "markings" than most "researchers", besides the fact that you actually go to the field.

Also after about 7 of the ELFs there was a period of a few minutes when I heard nothing, but I suddenly got pretty upset/pissed off and decided to leave.

you do realize that ELF-phenomena seem to cause sudden emotional responses? this is why you phrased it that way?

there are many reported instances of sudden "fear" or agitation caused by the "squeal" or presence of the Mothman back in '68 (and beyond).
you do realize that ELF-phenomena seem to cause sudden emotional responses? this is why you phrased it that way?

You know I think I had heard that before, and it's possibly why I phrased it that way, but I didn't realize it until just now when you mentioned it.

Last night i basically became upset at myself for making a half-assed attempt at investigating. Could have been a result of the ELF though which would actually make me pretty happy!
yeah, if you get a chance, look into google/ELF. a lot of info, i'm sure, on how a whole host of (strong, artificially-induced) emotions are attributed to low frequencies...
Nick, seriously your mention of the ELFs relating to emotion has me really, really excited.

I'm having all sorts of ideas, the least of which is that they were intended to get us to leave.
i'd like to hear what!

this is one of those times i wish AOE were more developed. i know ian has a lot of great ideas for it, the problem is actually doing them. which is understandable.

but a section for field reports would be awesome.