West Coast travelers

zedowns said:
Oh wow. Avalon sounds awesome.

How is the sound there? Is that as good as Center Stage?

The sound was good. It's a large space and they use it as a dance club too so there are ample speakers and amps all around.
:ill: I left your phone number in my backpack at the hotel room! D'uoh! Sorry bout that, Mloana called me, we missed each other as well.

A hella great show!!! Loved every friggin' minute!:rock: :rock: :rock:
It's alright, I got to Irvine late at any rate. :( It indeed was a great show, and although the new album was great live, the feeling in the air during the last 5 songs made the crowd act like the headliner had finally come on or something. I am very much looking forward to the next tour, and I will sure as hell get better tickets (I was in the middle of the three seating tiers). Before I even walked out the venue though, I could only think about one thing, COME ON BLIND GUARDIAN! All west coast bards better be there.
A truly great show by MAIDEN on Saturday. Seeing new cd played live made the new cd even better. Can't wait until they come back again.

I think even Bruce was a little surprised by the response he was getting. I think L.A. has granted many more Maiden shows.

Yeah, the crowd was huge. It was an awesome show. I wish I had had better seats for it too. The new album was awesome live, and of course the encore ruled.