West Syria

The problem is, throughout most of Europe the populace is disarmed, which is why this wave of terrorism is noteworthy and gang activity is not, because culture is weaved throughout the issue.

Lee Rigby's murder is especially noteworthy, because after he was run down and then almost beheaded, people just stood around and watched, even filmed it. England is a disarmed country and the terrorists know that pretty much anywhere they attack is a soft target as a result.

Good point. Give the terrorists the legal right to own arms, that'll stop em.
Except that the thing worth worrying about isn't actually the risk of being blown up in a shopping mall or shot in a nightclub, which you agree is pretty minimal compared to being killed by an ordinary criminal.

The thing worth worrying about is other people worrying about there being something to worry about, because that kind of fear might lead to us doing something really stupid.

Wrong, though I agree the likelihood is minimal. But the government has to worry about thwarting these attacks all the time, especially today.

In fact, why worry about one or the other? Worry about both.

Good point. Give the terrorists the legal right to own arms, that'll stop em.

They already have arms. Many many arms. That's the point you dense brick of diarrhea.
They already have arms. Many many arms. That's the point you dense brick of diarrhea.

No. When they are able to acquire weapons, then they attack. You have absolutely no idea how equipping everyone with a weapon - even self radicalised lone actors with no support and no current means of acquiring weapons - would influence the situation. Not to mention that permissive gun laws didn't really help the Floridians.
Which Floridians?

What you're implying is that all terrorists would be eligible for a legal firearm if say, England were to change it's rules on guns, that ignores the way firearms are regulated.
Those in Orlando (Orlando's in Florida).

If England were to have exactly the same regulatory system around firearms as America, then yes, terrorists would elligible for firearms, just as the Orlando killer was (despite him even being on the FBI watch list).
Those in Orlando (Orlando's in Florida).

If England were to have exactly the same regulatory system around firearms as America, then yes, terrorists would elligible for firearms, just as the Orlando killer was (despite him even being on the FBI watch list).

No they wouldn't. Explain how they'd be eligible?

Also, the FBI watchlist is a red herring. You can't be denied your second amendment right because you were placed on a secret list without your knowledge and without due process. Learn how the constitution and law works in the future before you spew asinine bullshit.

Martin Luther King was on the "no fly" list and so was John Lewis. Hillary Clinton was investigated by the FBI, no guns for her too?
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Why should I be more afraid of someone killing me for religious reasons than for my money? Completely nonsensical.

Because the government isn't importing gangbangers here from third world countries, and gangbangers tend to kill well...other gangbangers. 2nd gen immigrants are proven to be even more violent than first.
They want to rape/kill women and children. Cuck up and fuck up.

And blaming ourselves for these lunatics (buuuuusssshhhh)? Nope. Not going to fall for that anymore. Savages will be savages.
And stop with the whole broad brushing with the word 'religious'. The common theme here is Islam. If you don't see that, then you are a stupid person.
Islam, broadly speaking, isn't violent in practice. Either you're concerned about broad-brushing or you're not, make up your mind.

While true, how broad are we going to get here to try and lump Christianity in (which is what using the word religious is really trying to do if we can be a bit honest about our biases)?:

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).
I'm aware of all those facts, the reason I say "religious" rather than Islamic (though I do say that too) is because it's my attempt to get leftists to start treating Islam in the same way they've always treated Christianity or Judaism. They're apologists for Islam.

I have no problem myself focusing on Islam as it's clearly and obviously the worst religion right now.
I'm aware of all those facts, the reason I say "religious" rather than Islamic (though I do say that too) is because it's my attempt to get leftists to start treating Islam in the same way they've always treated Christianity or Judaism. They're apologists for Islam.

Sorry but 'scoff and dismiss' isn't going to work here, and it has only worked with crayon-Christians who have no real foundation in their faith. Not trying to derail this either. It seems you and I agree on most things (as I have mentioned before), but you need to stop being so unnecessarily aggressive about irrelevant details. Home in, sucka.
Sorry but 'scoff and dismiss' isn't going to work here, and it has only worked with crayon-Christians who have no real foundation in their faith. Not trying to derail this either. It seems you and I agree on most things (as I have mentioned before), but you need to stop being so unnecessarily aggressive about irrelevant details. Home in, sucka.

I didn't even know I was doing any of that, can you be more specific?