Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Ronnie Jame's Dio's Public Memorial

I see these idiots on a nearly daily basis, since Topeka and Omaha are relatively close together. They're always coming up here to protest shit. I'm a staunch supporter of freedom of speech, but I think an exception should be made in their case. God damn, I hate those fucks.
I'm generally opposed to church burnings, but I'll make an exception here, provided that the congregation is locked inside first.
Has anyone ever seen the documentary where Keith Allen takes the piss out of these guys. If not, watch it and you'll see how pathetic these guys really are.
They were picketing whatever in wv not long ago... holding up signs that said shit like "thank god for dead miners." It's all to get attention though... until someone murders a couple of them, it'll never stop.

I dont see how it's right to picket a memorial under any circumstances.
There aren't many times in my life I'd risk being arrested for beating someone's ass in public (unless I knew the cops wouldn't be involved), but I'm pretty sure if I was anyone at the funeral I'd be fucking some bitches up.
I echo King Drunkard's sentiments.

Too bad "freedom of speech" doesn't include "freedom to mutilate funeral picketers," think we would all like to take them out. Saparmurat I am so sorry you have to see them so frequently. I've never met one but if I ever did I would be meaner to them than I am to people on the internet.
They need to be ignored. Let them continue to spread their bigotry, fear mongering and hate speech among the confines of their incestuous hovel and condemn all that doesn't abide by the fundamentalist pillars of belief, and hopefully someday they'll breed themselves into a ceaseless cycle of mental illness and retardation and eventually out of existence.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will actually live worthwhile lives.
You guys know what's really fucked up? Their founder and leader, Fred Phelps, was a civil rights lawyer in the 1960's. How do you go from fighting for equal rights for blacks to this (no pun intended) incorrigible bigotry?
I'm generally opposed to church burnings, but I'll make an exception here, provided that the congregation is locked inside first.

I know you don't like me but do you mind if I use this in my sig?

And has anyone ever heard of the Patriot Guard Riders. They're basically a biker gang that stand in front of the protesters to make it easier for the families.
