Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Ronnie Jame's Dio's Public Memorial

Go ahead. That's a cool organization, btw. Biker gangs ftw.

Suparmurat created an FB group against this if y'all wanna join up. Pretty sure when they see that literally several metalheads spread all over the world are deeply opposed to their actions they'll reconsider and give the whole thing up.

EDIT: ninja'd
If they were really Tr00 KVLT they'd suit up in some nikes and "Teleport". Posers....
Go ahead. That's a cool organization, btw. Biker gangs ftw.

Suparmurat created an FB group against this if y'all wanna join up. Pretty sure when they see that literally several metalheads spread all over the world are deeply opposed to their actions they'll reconsider and give the whole thing up.

EDIT: ninja'd

Thanks WAIF. I might join that Facebook group, even though I basically never use my account.
They need to be ignored. Let them continue to spread their bigotry, fear mongering and hate speech among the confines of their incestuous hovel and condemn all that doesn't abide by the fundamentalist pillars of belief, and hopefully someday they'll breed themselves into a ceaseless cycle of mental illness and retardation and eventually out of existence.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will actually live worthwhile lives.

Basically this. The absurdity of the fact that WBC takes this this seriously is balanced out by the postings I see from people here and on blabbermouth. By getting up in arms about this you are feeding the trolls.
I took one look at their site and recoiled out of horror at the retardation contained within.
Like somebody before me said, these dudes are closer to satan than anything metal ever spawned hahah.

Also my new life objective is to join the Patriot Guard Riders, that is holy shit awesome. I'm not so big on getting involved with anything relating to the military, but defending the families of firefighters would be a great thing.
I am actually curious to hear a regular WBC sunday sermon, and see if they have any opinions outside "God hates fags and everyone else we don't like".
I call for a gathering of metalheads to unite on the day of Dio's funeral, armed and ready with balloons filled with piss to spread a message to these caveman people. That enough is enough and we won't tolerate pissing on Dio at his funeral, or any man killed because he wanted a better life but sent to death by his government.
This made me lol.

That is fucking horrible, especially all the stuff on their website. I don't understand why they are allowed to picket near funerals, surely its some sort of crime? I watched a documentary on them before, some of the lowest scum on the earth.

That Patriot Guard Riders thing is brilliant too, nice to see people actually standing up to these madmen in an organised way. :)
Every time someone posts about these people, every time a news article is run, every time someone posts about how horrible they are, every time anyone even mentions them, they win.

Why does nobody understand this?

The only solution is to forget they exist. They're attention whores, like any trolls, and you all just feed them. Yummy.
If we let them be, then they'll just keep annoying the fuck out of us, they'll keep picketing funerals, and they'll keep spreading their bullshit.

Someone should seriously fuck them up.
Fucking fools.

I seriously often think that these guys have to be a fucking joke. A lot of what they believe goes against the actual teachings of Christ....

I don't know, maybe I want to believe they're a joke so I won't have to deal with the reality that people are actually that retarded.
Yeah, fuck them up and then let them bring a lawsuit against your ass.

The truth of it is, they're a family of lawyers and they're manipulating the legal system to allow them to do the things they do; they've studied free speech cases in history, and Fred Phelps worked as a civil rights attorney in the 60s. They're just waiting for someone or a group of people to snap and attack them. All it will do is add fuel to their fire. They'll claim that they're the ones being discriminated against and use our indiscretion against us to wrap their fingers even tighter around the judicial system.