we've come for you all?

Originally posted by HotRodFlamedJJ2
My dad says the new album sure be entitled, "Pushing the Envelope". Because of the anthrax in envelopes scare. I thought it was brilliant.
If you knew me you would think I'm crazy for saying this, but that probably would be in bad taste. I'm usually not one to give a shit about things like that and I wouldn't get offended if it were named that, but I can tell you sor sure if that was the name and the general public realized it you'd have some pretty pissed off people and likely some lawsuits.
Personally I think they should have called it "Taking The Music Back" or something to that effect.
I think they should name it:
"We´ve brought back Joey and Danny for you all" :lol: :D :lol: :lol:

no offence John Bush but Anthrax was better with Joey....allthough joey´s voice wouldn´t fit the new anthtrax style.
Originally posted by oldAnthrax-Tp
I think they should name it:
"We´ve brought back Joey and Danny for you all" :lol: :D :lol: :lol:

If that was the title, I wouldn't be too interested in the album.
Originally posted by The Man

If you knew me you would think I'm crazy for saying this, but that probably would be in bad taste. I'm usually not one to give a shit about things like that and I wouldn't get offended if it were named that, but I can tell you sor sure if that was the name and the general public realized it you'd have some pretty pissed off people and likely some lawsuits.
Personally I think they should have called it "Taking The Music Back" or something to that effect.

Lawsuits??? :lol: Perhaps it would be in bad taste. At worst they would be pressured to take the album off shelves much like the live Dream theater album that was released on 9/11 with a picture of the twin towers burning on the cover. Some rap group got in trouble with a similar unfortunate coincidence, though I forget that situation b/c well......it's a rap group. Hehehe.
Originally posted by oldAnthrax-Tp

Am I the only Anthrax fan who hopes for a reunion someday in the future?:confused: :confused:

I hope you are. No offense to you, man. But if there was a reunion I´d never check this site again.
Joey was the weakest link. Anthrax was a cool band in the eighties, but they were cool is spite of Joey, who's vocals could get a bit annoying at times IMO. With John, they are an awesome band, and I have become a much bigger fan becuase of that.

I hope that there is no reunion, unless they can actually pull off what they tried to do for the Return of the Killer A's tour...that is keep the current line-up together, with the old lineup as the warmup act. That is, if Joey Primadonna would ever agree to those terms. :lol:
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Joey was the weakest link. Anthrax was a cool band in the eighties, but they were cool is spite of Joey, who's vocals could get a bit annoying at times IMO. With John, they are an awesome band, and I have become a much bigger fan becuase of that.

I hope that there is no reunion, unless they can actually pull off what they tried to do for the Return of the Killer A's tour...that is keep the current line-up together, with the old lineup as the warmup act. That is, if Joey Primadonna would ever agree to those terms. :lol:

Okey I can see i´m out-numbered:eek:
When is the Anthraax live album gonna come out? if it´s gonna be released in the first place??

i´d like to hear john sing the old songs......anyone have a link to any URL with mp3´s of such songs?
I think the live album has been postponed indefinately...for now they're concentrating on the studio album, and I imagine the live album will come out when promotion (hopefully they'll get some with this label) for the new album starts to die down.
Originally posted by HotRodFlamedJJ2
My dad says the new album sure be entitled, "Pushing the Envelope". Because of the anthrax in envelopes scare. I thought it was brilliant.

How about when the live album comees out calling it Special Delivery and having the cover look like a package with the Anthrax logo on it? They could put a fake warning on it , too that says Warning: contains heavy music or some shit like that
Originally posted by Fat Drunk and Stupid

How about when the live album comes out calling it Special Delivery and having the cover look like a package with the Anthrax logo on it? They could put a fake warning on it , too that says Warning: contains heavy music or some shit like that

That would kick ass!! I'm sorry but I think it's fucking pathetic that Americans are still going on about 9/11. Get over it, I know it was tragic but get over it and move forward. If that seems harsh then well I don't know, go get a Jerry Springer poster and praise your country. I'm tired of this shit, when something bad happens in France or Germany or Somalia or whatever the yanks don't care. But if it's in their own country then Jeebus we must all get on our knees and kiss our asses goodbye!! Then you get Oprah with her comical guests in the audience about three weeks after the event has happened saying shit like " Oh my God I'm so afraid to go out or urinate because Osama might seak up behind me and pinch my ass!!!" It's disgusting how people are making such fuss over musicians doing songs or album covers over the 9/11 incidents as well. Or even calling their band Anthrax as well 15 years before the event happened. Why should there even be a fuss over the band name Anthrax.

I thought America has freedom of speech? Is'nt that why Marilyn Manson is still going??
And then all of a sudden there's this fuss over bands with 9/11 anything to do with 9/11, go figure!!
Ringfinger... I speak for no one else other than myself when I say that you are a completely clueless asshole. This board is for music, not politics. But since you fired the first flaming arrow, here goes....

You said:

I'm tired of this shit, when something bad happens in France or Germany or Somalia or whatever the yanks don't care.

Who the fuck do you think always gets stuck playing policeman to the world. The U.S. does nothing to help France or Germany. How old are you? Does your education system in South Africa conveniently leave out that after WWII the US remained to rebuild Germany, the country where it just ousted Communist rule? Even when Eisenhower was elected president, the US still continued to help rebuild France and Germany.

As for Somolia, it was the USA that sent in troops to spearhead the relief effort. It's the US that sought to keep peace in the Balkans. And you can't argue that it was US economic concerns as a motivation, as there were not raw minerals or fossil fuels in the area.

It's disgusting how people are making such fuss over musicians doing songs or album covers over the 9/11 incidents as well. Or even calling their band Anthrax as well 15 years before the event happened. Why should there even be a fuss over the band name Anthrax.

I agree with you there completely, but your rationale is completely flawed.

Maybe if your city and country lost 2,188 people, with 1800 still unrecovered 8 months later, you'd feel differently. Maybe if nearly 10,000 of your country's children were orphaned in one day, you wouldn't be so quick to say "get over it."

As you state you are from South Africa, I wouldn't be so quick to criticize other nations and their policies. Do "apartheid" and "rigged elections" ring a bell? However, I am not here to mock or criticize your country. I won't stoop to your level. I just hope that you're words and beliefs are not indicative of your fellow countrymen. You live in a beautiful, picturesque country. But if everybody thinks like you, I'd rather not go to the basement of the world.