we've come for you all?

RINGFINGER- I never followed the crowd. However, I do know that Johnny Ace and bRaT are right, and you are wrong.
btw- You think America should help the world (and America IS helping the world)...what has South Africa ever done for anyone?
Okay, Ringfinger, here's your chance: What exactly were you trying to say? Because all that came across was "get over 9/11 and stop living in the past" before you went off on several different tangents. It's not our fault you took anthrax-related jokes and turned them into 4 hijacked plans on a very fateful day. We're not seeing your point, show it to us.
Exactly Thraxdude. Maybe Ringfinger has an inferiority complex. But he says that we are short sighted. What the fuck do expect you clitwad? You say I ran you down??? You ran yourself down with your ignorance. Its okay for you to bag us, but we should just sit back and take it. From what you say, that sounds like what your country is doing now with people storming your borders. Please, I tried to be diplomatic toward your country, but if everyone there is like you, I would think that neighboring nations would want to be as far away from your borders as possible. Choke on that slap nuts.
Lord Flame-atron was not jumped for having different views, he was jumped for being an asshole.

By the way, you and L. G. have some things in common, for example, you are BOTH now on my ignore list.:)
What should we do for anyone, as what should America do for anyone. I don't thik America should help everyone.

Didn't you insinuate before that we only give just a bit of money and not enough being that we are one of the richest nations in the world?

It's not that remarkable that you guys give away a bit of money every now and then considering that the US is one of the richest countries in the world if not the richest!

Now you sound like an ass.
I was tired of people getting upset with band's songs to do with Sept 11th that's all. They get very upset whether it's just anything to do with the subject like right now with JohnnyAce. Johnny I'm sorry I upset you but you kinda took it the wrong way. :) I'm happy that you love your country and I can definitely see it in your posts back to me but it's a little frightening how far you'll go.
I know you're trying to pull me out of this Brat and you know how I feel about you and many, many other members on this board!! :)
But it's no use, if I'm not allowed to have opinions, then maybe I should go elsewhere.
You guys make jokes about anthrax, then wy can't you guys relax with tis subject.
I hate this, but I don't hate you guys at all, if you want hate get a Slayer record. Slayer seems to go just fine with you guys, oh look here's another tangeant, but you know what all my tangeants or whaever somewhere along te lines had something to do with what I had to say. People will admire Slayer for their hating and then rip people like me to shreds for not being "appropriate".

I give up. :)
I give you credit with the last post.
The Anthrax jokes are due to how ridiculous even non-metal fans feel about a metal band being slammed when they've been around 20 years. No one said you couldn't have an opinion. You just have to temper your comments and "see the way things I do, walk a mile in my shoes." Patriotism is only frightening when it gives rise to xenophobia, which I feel mine does not.
I'm on Thraxdude's ignore list.
Warning to all people who have different opinions or views you will be ignored. HAHAHAHA.
So when your old man gave you advice on a career choice that were different to your own for example, did you put him on an
" ignore list". ?????????????????????????
I haven't posted or even visited here in forever and a fuckin' day and it's good to see that the ppl STILL don't get along!:lol: :lol:

Oh well....lookin' forward to WE'VE COME FOR YOU ALL!

Glad to see bRat's still here.....hope all is well with everyone.

P.S. If anyone gives a shit, Sam Raimi has announced his EVIL DEAD trilogy will now have a new chapter thanx to the sucsess of SPIDER - MAN (aka "the shit").



Something told me Greg would show up here today... :) Is that from Clerks??

Personally, I don't care what songs are written about it or what album cover art comes out or whatever. A bunch of people got upset about Eminem dressing as bin Laden in his video, when all he does is dance around like a jackass.

"You guys make jokes about anthrax, then why can't you guys relax with this subject." Once again, anthrax and 9/11 are not related. So us joking about anthrax has nothing to do with 9/11 or patriotism. I have to agree with Johnny, you've GOT to stop and think before you tell us to get over something so serious. And if you don't, you end up with threads like this. :)
My thoughts exactly.....

I saw a decal on a truck today that says....."Jesus loves you, however, I think you're an asshole!" I GOTTA get me one of those!:lol: :lol:

See y'all in another 3 to 5 weeks!:lol:
Heeey people get over it. This thread should have been about something we all should look forward to, shouldn´t it? However at least it´s got some controversity. Let me tell you, I kinda see Ringfinger´s first post. I don´t think he wanted to tell you that 9/11 hadn´t been tragedy at all and that all of your Americans were assholes living in the past, and, trust me, I´ve seen many posts like that on other, mostly non-music related boards! And I can feel all of the rest´hurt feelings. I am the asshole in front of the computer halfway the world, in a country some of you might never heard of but I´m not deaf and blind. But as long as people argue about their different views, curse and ignore each other, there will always be wars, conflicts and tragedies. If the Anthrax fans can´t get on with each other how can states, countries and religions agree on something? I mean, "let the music do the talking", shake our hands, kiss and make up, see you.
Let me guess your from Czechoslovakia (spelling correct?) right?
My friend has folks that were born in that country and his parents and my buddy Peter says that the women there are beautiful! ;)
Johnnieczech, as you can see right now it's been rough for me, it's been three against one and you know what I'm still not going to back down like a baby and not be heard. Thanks for helping me out and helping me put across the message that I don't want to cause a hate thing between message board members.

Please Brat, Thraxdude and Johnny Ace realise that you can't always think that your country is invincible and that your country is the only important place in the world.
We have worked so hard in my country to try and get things right and it's a never ending struggle, but you know what I can take people making jokes about my country or anything about me because I have a sense of humour and I won't be ignorant to things bad in my country. When Jim Carrey made as much fun of Africa as he could in Ace Ventura 2, I wasn't offended I was able to laugh with him and all the Americans and people around the world laughing at how strange Africa seems to them. It's just scary that you guys can't realise that your country makes mistakes too or has weird things too. :cry:

Let me just say that some tremendous things have come out of the States but you can't just go around acting all superior. My mom has read all these posts now and agrees with me!!

If you guys are embarrased to talk about the problems your country has and your too "proud" to talk about it, there will be no positivity from such behaviour.
There will be no positivity either from blacks in my country raping virgins because they think it takes away the aids virus. They are now raping anything very young, 3 year olds and even younger because they think it's right and will take away their virus from their body. This is another thing we have to talk about in my country that I'm able to share with you guys because I know that if you and I keep quiet about it nothing will happen. :cry:
If nobody speaks about how America has problems too and you guys refuse to talk about and are embarrassed to talk about and put me down for raising the subject, then there is something very wrong here.
Originally posted by RINGFINGER
Let me guess your from Czechoslovakia (spelling correct?) right?
My friend has folks that were born in that country and his parents and my buddy Peter says that the women there are beautiful! ;)

Well the country is now called Czech Republic. Your friends are right about the women! ;) Peace!