we've come for you all?

You can mock my country all you want!! I wasn't trying to mock Americans at all, I was just trying to say how useless it is to go back and always refer to 9/11 all the time. Fuck it, almost everyone in my country was praying for you guys!!! I stated it was tragedy so don't think I don't care. And what about rigged elections?? Ha, are you referring to Zimbabwe or S.A. with that statement. By the way did I ever say that I was proud of apartheid?? Did I? And by the way isn't that why you guys got attacked (for getting into every other country's business??) It's not that remarkable that you guys give away a bit of money every now and then considering that the US is one of the richest countries in the world if not the richest!
By all means I wasn't trying to be an asshole, don't get me wrong bro!
The way that Americans will make other people feel like shit to just make their own country look better is comical. And the proof is right here my friend.
Uh, what proof? My statements? You certainly were mocking the US with your Springer and Oprah comments (not that America should be proud of those two). As far as your ambivilance is concerned, saying in one sentence that it was a tragedy and then in the next breath saying get over it doesn't leave a lot of room for misinterpretation. I agree that there have been times when America should have stayed out of the mix in certain glogal situations, but that is more of a politicial argument among Republicans and Democrats. However, most of the time we get involved, its because someone is knocking on our door to help. The UN is a great place to sit and have a conversation, but who is the one left holding the bag to actually enforce its directives? The USA. Do we give away money? Yes. However, I think it is more than a bit. I agree that we should aid other nations. But ultimately, the responsibility of US gov't is to take care of the US, not everyone else.

No, I wan't referring to Zimbabwe. I guess its true what they say... the victors write the history books. South Africa has had its share of corruption at the booths.

You also said:

The way that Americans will make other people feel like shit to just make their own country look better is comical.

You said that we are the richest country on the global block. And as far as freedom and human rights go, I feel we are second to none. So what would I have to gain by making you feel like shit? The "basement" comment was geographical analogy, not one meant to make you feel inferior.

However, make no mistake.... I stand by what I said.
Not quite, Ringfinger. First of all, it IS remarkable that we're always giving money (not to mention lending out our military all the time, i.e. JAPAN). What, we have a lot of it so we should HAVE to give it to others who need it?? I think not. We didn't get attacked for getting involved in world issues, we got attacked because ONE asshole has a wild hair up his ass. There is a huge difference. No, we can't go back and change what happened, but there's no reason to go on pretending that it didn't.
Hey Ringworm, your making no sense now.... whose playing games? How am I supposed to give your argument credence when you cite Springer, Oprah, and boxing to support. C'mon, now really.

P.S. You are right, bratprincess.
P.S.2 Congrats on child #2
And I standby what I say and I didn't do it to cause trouble like you did!!!!!!!!! I didn't call you an asshole did I? So what, yu don't want the people to get over the whole thing?? Le them become zombies and be afraid of everyday for the rest of their lives. Wait till you come visit here tough guy, you'll see that things are way rougher from where I come from. We've got ignorant people blowing up gay clubs all the time and Zimbabweans kiling whites because it's the right thing to do. They are all jumping my country's borders as we speak and will kill when they feel the need. But don't worry it won't be as important to you as SEpt 11th. Hell no right. It's great that America has given money Brat, so do we, to white people in Zimbabwe and the whole government even after the country hasn't done shit for us!! Even after people are getting raped and murdered and their land is getting stolen because the President thinks it's justice.
Ringfinger... you better calm down before you have a stroke. Your rambling about gay clubs and giving whitey money. You cite US financial support being questionable, and then you admit your own country is writing checks to the wrong people. I can't follow your train of thought.
If you aren't open to change JohnnyAce then your in for a hard time. And Brat look at how Lord Galvatron was treated just for having different views, and I stood by him. It takes courage to put across your own views and it seems like on this board that people who have remotely different views on things are pushed down until it hurts. My thoughts go to oldAnthrax-tp for having the courage to think differently and beg to be heard, by the way I think Joey is a great live singer oldAnthrax-tp. I started the thread "Your thoughts on the following bands necause I like hearing other people's opinions and because I'm not a rude bastard who doesn't accept people who are different!
Johnny, thank you and who knows???

Ringfinger, what started this whole thing was people talking about anthrax. That's right, the disease, not the band. Now, there are several people who have died and several more who became very ill simply because they opened their mail. They went to their mailbox or had it brought to their desk. They opened a piece of mail, most of which had a return address of a children's school, so they believed there was no reason to suspect it to be anything different. People are dead now and others may be healed but they will never truly recover from it. There is no proof whatsoever as of right now that it had anything to do with the terrorist attack of September 11. The subject was anthrax, you turned it into a September 11 debate. If other countries perceive that the two are related, that is not our problem, because we here know that they are not. Now that there have been no anthrax attacks in quite some time, and given all the shit that our boys (that would be Scott, Charlie, John and Frank, not our military, dear) have gone through, it would be amusing to see them do something with an album title or cover art that acknowledges what a pain in the ass it was for them to go through. THAT is what was being referred to. YOU brought in money, military, terrorist acts, Jerry Springer, Oprah and boxing.
Open for change??? What the fuck are you rambling about? Has your argument run completely out of steam? Courage my ass. You started this shit by running down my country! What do you expect me to do?? Applaud you? Fuck, I'd like you to stand on Exchange Place in NYC and have the balls to say what you did? It's easy when you are halfway across the world behind a computer, isn't it?
Thraxdude, once again you'll follow the crowd just like evryone else around here. You can think of me what you want but I had some great points and you must please realise that moving forward is only positive. JohnnyAce obviously finds great pleasure in going back to old things about my country to make matters worse (apartheid). You can fucking go back to the past mate all you bloody want. Oh and yes I love the lack of racism in America!! Weren't the KKK great, or hold on aren't they still great! I don't like going to the past like you did Johnny but if you can do it I guess I can to right.
This is really hurting me and I don't want to lose good people like Brat and Thraxdude as WONDERFUL friends!!
Lord Galvatron was jumped on because he started calling people sheep who are musically sheltered and know nothing about what we are talking about, among the many other things that he said. You're not an American, so you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to being one. You don't have to turn on the news every night and see the cleanup site where two landmarks USED to be and where thousands died, you don't have to stand in line at the grocery store and look at a picture of all the moms who were pregnant when 9/11 happened who now have babies who will never meet their dads, and you don't have to hear about the debate over whether or not CBS should have shown the Daniel Pearl tape. Having different opinions about music and Napster is something totally different, because people from every country can buy CDs and use Napster. A non-American telling Americans how we should feel is not even on the same scale.
And I'm supposed to sympathize for your hurt feelings because....?

See how it makes you feel to have to defend your country? Enraging, isn't it? But I guess you fell justified to do so and Brat, Thraxdude, and I are not.

Moving forward?? You were the one who brought up an open wound from the recent past. You were the one that referred to past US military and social aid policy. And now you back pedal. Think carefully before you speak. By contradicting yourself more and more with every post, all you are doing is making yourself look unintelligent and validating the argument of Thraxdude, brat and myself.
And I might also add that no one is living in the past. Remembering that something happened is not reliving it over and over. It's not not moving forward. Who said we're not moving forward?? Is there still a pile of rubble at Ground Zero? No, they cleared it away, didn't they? They're almost finished, in fact. Because we're angry? Fuck yes we're angry. We have every right to be angry. Being angry means we live in the past? I don't understand this "we're living in the past, we need to get over it crap." ThraxDude isn't "following the crowd" simply because he feels like we do. You won't find ANY American very thrilled with your statements. I'm sorry that this is hurting you, but again, I really don't know what you expected would happen. I'm not very pleased with this thread right now myself, but I'm not going to sit back and stay quiet on this one.
Aaaahhh shit, OK let's just forget about it, your all too short sighted to see what I was trying to say. Trying to tell you how to feel??? How I laughed. Yeah right! Lord Galvatron was jumped on for having different views and you all know it!!
JohnnyAce are you satsfied now??? Trying to run me down like that. By the way there are plenty of people who would follow my train of thought. It's funny how you say I started a political war, it's more like your afraid of people thinking differently. Now that's scary. Now go and make fun of a Counting Crows fan because you probably think their gay and their music is too soft for you.