What 3 metal bands should tour together?

Here's a few three-somes that would work well together:

Satyricon, Naglfar, 1349

Mayhem, Behemoth, Zyklon

Hypocrisy, Bloodbath, Kataklysm


I would love to see dissection but that would be impossible since Jon decided to blow his head off!
Cynic, Atheist, Pestilence

Necrophobic, Dissection, Samael

Absu, Sarcofago, Destroyer 666

Assuming all these bands had their prime line-ups.
Gorguts, Atheist, and Sadus because I love all of those bands and it would kick a lot of ass.
I think Morbid Angel, immolation and nile should tour together for death metal

gorgoroth, 1349 and taake for black metal

Slayer, kreator and destruction for thrash!
Immolation, Portal, and Gorguts/Negativa should tour together... that'd be dubbed the "abstract death metal fest" or something to that effect.

And Arghoslent, Slough Feg, and some other good band heavily influenced by the NWHBM sound should all tour together; I'm sure Guthrum would agree with that, wherever he is.
I think Morbid Angel, immolation and nile should tour together for death metal

gorgoroth, 1349 and taake for black metal

Slayer, kreator and destruction for thrash!

Taake seems so incredibly out of place there.

Taake, Mystic Forest, Mirrorthrone

Now THAT would be awesome :D