What 3 metal bands should tour together?

Nile, Necrophagist, Behemoth - Death Metal(yea behemoth was black metal before demigod, but that album kicked ass)
Wintersun, Heavenly, Ensiferum - Power Metal
Dimmu Borgir, Old Man's Child, Immortal - Black Metal
Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, Carcass

Ebony Tears, Rotting Christ, Bolt Thrower

Finntroll, Trollfest, and whatever other troll band I forgot to mention

Metallica, My chemical romance, and Phil Collins. With free hits of X at the gates
Anthrax, Anthrax and Anthrax - The , "does anyone in the audience know what fucking planet we left our dignity on" tour ?

EDIT: By which I meant, Turbin, Belladonna and Bush Anthrax. The re-re-re-reunion tour.