what a party! wooo!

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
so last nights house party - around 30 people

2 fights (involving me and some lads) 1 ipod touch stolen, 1 set of car keys stolen, 1 set of house keys stolen, 1 lad sent to get stitches in his finger after he slit it open when he fell onto a car, drunk people puking and passed out everywhere, house like a ballistic missile hit it, half the party coke'd off there heads, several relationship arguments, everyone got kicked out of the house at around 4am, broken glass everywhere on the street, my mates electric razor smashed to bits in the back garden....fucking hell

then the worst part today... after the clean up i was standing out the front with my 2 mates having a smoke and we heard a big thump. then looked and seen my mates cat run under the car. the suicidal kitty had fucked himself off the 3rd story of the house onto the solid concrete ground. blood pumping out of his mouth and shit :puke:

thats how us irish role! fucking proper:headbang:

UPDATE: my mate just rang me, 5 xbox games are stolen too including halo odst

someone is due for a major ass kicking
Sounds like the sort of unfortunate shit that happens when I go to parties... :erk:
Had a party on friday in my flat. 20-25 people. when the last one left at 6 in the morning I was so glad to see that cleaning up will not take much of my time. everyone was too stoned to steal, destroy or kill each other. that's the way I like it.

sorry for the cat. and all the stolen stuff.
i still dont know how the cat is - waiting to hear back - i think it might have internal bleeding because it landed on its chest / stomach and started spitting up blood - its only a kitten - like 4 months old :(
Fucking sucks about the cat man, I love animals:cry:

Not so dissimilar to some partys I've held/been to.
Last party at my house, some dude ended up drinking piss because someone managed to convince him it was beer. The look on his face when we informed him afterwards it wasn't beer:lol: But he was a gatecrasher, deserved it that sodding cunt.
But otherwise the party was fucked, so much shit broken, so much cleaning I literally broke down and cried cos I was that stressed from the cleaning.

2 years ago nearly got fucking killed a party that my missus at the time was holding. Some MDMA'd/drunk'd/stoned'd/speed'd up fuck thought I was lying to him about this shit (it's a long story) so took a knife to my throat, never happened before. Nearly stabbed some my mates too:erk:
After he left, I fucking cried like a little girl, first time I had ever cried in front of my male friends.
Another time I got fucking drugged by a chick at a party. You'd never think it would happen, being a guy and all, but fuck me, my limbs turned to jelly:erk:. I was fucking lucky all she wanted was a dude to make out with.

I'm virtually done with these big/biggish parties now, half of them end up in hassle, so it's just not worth risking all the fucke dup shit IMO.
I'd honestly rather get wasted by myself, at least bad shit never happens and I can lie on the floor naked in my bedroom and tell myself jokes and laugh endlessly without people saying I'm weird.
2 years ago nearly got fucking killed a party that my missus at the time was holding. Some MDMA'd/drunk'd/stoned'd/speed'd up fuck thought I was lying to him about this shit (it's a long story) so took a knife to my throat, never happened before. Nearly stabbed some my mates too:erk:
After he left, I fucking cried like a little girl, first time I had ever cried in front of my male friends.

thats understandable that you broke down from that incident mate, its not the nicest feeling when your life is threatened by by someone you dont know. your unsure what the person is capable of. its a shame there are so many shits out there in the world... its like all they aim to do is fuck up everyones good time. its so childish of them. i wish i could gather them all in a small field and throw a stick of dynamite at them just to see them get what they deserve for abusing people.

back to the cat story: i still dont know how the kitty is, i haven't heard any news yet. and its sunday too so a lot of vets in ireland are closed. fingers crossed the kitty only knocked a tooth out or something but from the thump it made from the fall it sounded like a lot more. the closest sound i could imagine is think of throwing a bag of soil or sugar out of a 3 story window and imagine the thumb on concrete.

it wasn't pretty..:cry:
2 years ago nearly got fucking killed a party that my missus at the time was holding. Some MDMA'd/drunk'd/stoned'd/speed'd up fuck thought I was lying to him about this shit (it's a long story) so took a knife to my throat, never happened before. Nearly stabbed some my mates too:erk:
After he left, I fucking cried like a little girl, first time I had ever cried in front of my male friends.
Another time I got fucking drugged by a chick at a party. You'd never think it would happen, being a guy and all, but fuck me, my limbs turned to jelly:erk:. I was fucking lucky all she wanted was a dude to make out with.

I'm sure I've told this one aplenty on Sneap before, but I passed out a party once and some chick poured bleach on my face because she "thought it was washing up liquid".

When I woke up my trousers were pretty much bright orange, my shoes had my puke in them and my t-shirt (the only part I kept because it actually looks cooler now than before):

...and this is why when you have parties you lock up all your shit where people can't get to it, or people will fucking ravage your house/apartment

It's not your friends that will steal your shit, it's the friends that they bring with them that will steal all your shit, I learned this the hard way after I had a party and a bunch of shit got stolen.

Or just have parties at your friend's houses and let all their shit get fucked up/stolen. I'm glad we don't have parties at my place anymore, I was over it after I finished college.