What about 4th or 5th slot oddball?

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I know that this band is very much an odd ball, but their music is freaking awesome and god damn powerful. The singer has so much passion and is so unique. I know this band is classified as Doom, but when I first heard them a couple of months ago, I was a little cautious, because I am not a fan of Doom. This bnad just grabbed me and will not let ago, isnt the tension killing you?

Well lets play a guessing game, even though I am pretty sure people will be a to guess what band I am referring to, lets play anyway. I post the band before I leave the house tonight to go to the bar.

Well it only took 30 mintues and one guess to get it right. Candlemass is the band I was referring to, but the question is what does everyone think about that idea? I think it be would fucking phenomal!!!
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Well it only took 30 mintues and one guess to get it right. Candlemass is the band I was referring to, but the question is what does everyone think about that idea? I think it be would fucking phenomal!!!

If it means bumping off a band like say, Freak Kitchen, then I wholeheartedly DISagree......:guh:
I wouldn't say they're an oddball... doom metal is, basically, melodic metal with lots more minor keys. In Candlemass's case, they also combine thrash elements with the doom stuff.

I wouldn't pick Candlemass as an oddball... I'd pick them as just a regular ol' headliner.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Well it only took 30 mintues and one guess to get it right. Candlemass is the band I was referring to, but the question is what does everyone think about that idea? I think it be would fucking phenomal!!!
Lucky guess !! The "unique" singer hint made me think of Messiah Marcolin, so I guessed Candlemass.

I think these guys fit a fest like BWBK better than they do the Prog Power fest, but I suppose that's debatable.

I happened to see Candlemass at that BWBK show in Cleveland, and it was pretty darn good. Messiah was a classic on stage. Seeing him do his stomp dance while in monk garb was a highlight.

Given the specific ProgPower audience, I don't know if Candlemass would really be the right band to be a headliner. I could see them as a mid-card band, but I think at this particular festival, if Candlemass was the last band of the night, people would wind up bailing like they did for Rage.

Actually, this is the sort of thing that could work with Glenn's idea of changing the set times. With a 45 / 60 / 60 / 75 / 90 setup, Candlemass could probably go over well in the 75 minute slot, on a night where a power metal band is headlining.
Well I guess there wasnt an over whelming positive response to this, so I guess its a big fucking no. Which is cool with me, at as long as they get their asses to Kansas (yeah right).