What about Kings X?

That would be GREAT! I've been in love with these guys since the first album and I've seen them a million times. Having them at PPUSA would be a real treat for me. And everyone would get to see me dance - which in my case looks like a cat on a hot griddle. :lol: Unfortunately, as great of a band as they are, I don't know if they'd fit. But then again, they might be a good "oddball" band. I'd love to see them in a #3 spot. Of course, I'd also love to see Green Carnation AND I think Ringo was the cutest Beatle, so maybe my tastes are a little different than most people here. :loco:

I would impale myself on a microphone stand if they played progpower. They were inbetween Hammerfall and Dio at one the best shows I have ever seen, or it would have been if Kings X wasn't there. I hated their set and I just generally didn't think they fit that bill at all.

If you have an argument for King's X, then you also have an argument for Spock's Beard. I agree that they are a good "oddball" band, they are just too big for a number 3. Same with Spock's Beard. If you have an argument for them, then you have an argument for Daughtry. Unless these people are going to humble themselves for a number 3 spot, which is about the same chance as Tarja Turunen performing a lied concert in my apartment for $50, you will never se them in PP.

Ray C.
I would be totally psyched to see Kings X at Progpower VIII!!!

They are an amazing band live and they have heavier songs too. Not just the softer beatles type tunes. They are about as original as it gets!

My band Stride will be doing a show with them on Thanksgiving here in Houston. We are pumped about it!!
I just saw King's X play a two hour set in Milwaukee on Tuesday. They were freakin fantastic. Only complaint was that they didn't play "Goldilox". :( Other than that, their chops were super tight, their songs sounded as great as ever, and their on stage personalities were very entertaining. Great band. Would love to see them at PP. Glad someone started this thread....
I'd love to see them play an event like ProgPower, where they'd draw an appreciative audience, but not a slot at PP itself. Definitely would be great for the Showcase, but I wouldn't expend a slot at PPUSA itself on a band that does smaller-venue headlining tours in the US.

As far as being "too big".....sorry. The last time they headlined here in Atlanta they played a relatively small bar. If they were touring at the time, they'd probably love to play a great venue like Earthlink for an appreciative audience....I'd have a 500-mile exclusion zone, though. :)

Bring on Pain of Salvation instead, because if a band is going to bore me to death it should be a band from another country that doesn't tour the US all the freakin time.
I would impale myself on a microphone stand if they played progpower. They were inbetween Hammerfall and Dio at one the best shows I have ever seen, or it would have been if Kings X wasn't there. I hated their set and I just generally didn't think they fit that bill at all.


100% agree!!! They are almost as boring as Pain of whatever their name is!
I don't think they'd fit, since they're not at all metal. the same argument could be made for a band or two who've played at ProgPower, I suppose, but I consider everyone I've seen before at least metal-ish, and I don't think King's X fits the bill any more than say, Marillion. I'm not a King's X fan, but I wouldn't really want to see M at PP either.


I know what you're saying but, compare them to Pink Cream 69 who have played PP and King's X is a nice fit. I'd have even picked Kings X over PC69 if I was betting in vegas as to who would have played 1st at PP.

I've seen them live twice and I've been floored both times. What a monstrous sound for a 3 piece band.
I know what you're saying but, compare them to Pink Cream 69 who have played PP and King's X is a nice fit. I'd have even picked Kings X over PC69 if I was betting in vegas as to who would have played 1st at PP.

l'm in total agreement here...PC69 did nothing for me...if melodic is needed may as well go with Poison. King's X is much more of a band than PC69.

Creeps said:
I've seen them live twice and I've been floored both times. What a monstrous sound for a 3 piece band.

l couldn't even begin to count the times l've seen these guys...and l've been pleased with every performance. Very tight & talented band. Doug's bluesey vocals are great & Ty's guitar work is inspiring to say the least.

Others have noted that they tour the USA. True...Symphony X , Jon Oliva, & others that have been at PP have too...argument dismissed.
I do like some Kings X but would not say I am a huge fan. I would have to lean toward a no on PP but it would not be a strong no. They came through my small town a year or so ago and I didn't go to see them. So, I doubt that a PP apearence would do anything for me if a show in my backyard was not.
l'm in total agreement here...PC69 did nothing for me...if melodic is needed may as well go with Poison. King's X is much more of a band than PC69.

l couldn't even begin to count the times l've seen these guys...and l've been pleased with every performance. Very tight & talented band. Doug's bluesey vocals are great & Ty's guitar work is inspiring to say the least.

Others have noted that they tour the USA. True...Symphony X , Jon Oliva, & others that have been at PP have too...argument dismissed.

First of all I couldn't disagree with you more. Melody is a key ingredient in power metal. It's also in many cases what sepperates power metal from prog. The prog bands that cross over to the power metal fans are usually the more melodic ones.

Since you're having a hard time telling the differance (probably because you never took the time to listen before you spoke out) I'll spell this one out for you. Poison is a cheesey, 80's American hair metal band, great at what they do but as far away as you can get from ProgPower. Pink Cream 69 is an awesome German melodic hard rock/power metal band, probably the best in the world at what they do. The two are as different as PC69 and Kings X are.

I have no idea what you mean by the statement "King's X is much more of a band than PC69." How can you be "much more of a band?"

I'm going to do something the PC69 haters will never do, and give King's X their due. They are talented musicians. They are good at what they do. Unfortunately what they do puts me to sleep. I don't like Doug's voice and there's nothing really catchy about most of their songs. They have some nice grooves but after a while it all seems the same. They had one recognizable radio friendly "hit" song and they don't even play that live.

As for the arguement that they play too much in the US, that's a completely valid one. They've toured the US extensively, both as a headline act in clubs and opening/mid slots on big national tours. Everyone has had multiple chances to see them. You can't compare that to Symphony X doing a couple of New England dates and calling that a "tour." Not to mention that a band like Sym X who helped build ProgPower and a true legend like Jon Oliva should be able to play the fest whenever they want no matter where they tour. King's X is not even in their league.
Wow...not even in their league?....No matter how you personally feel about their music...this is a poor assesment of Kings X.... they are well within if not above the league of both SymX and Oliva and I am sure both would agree...at least to the within part...lol........mind you I hold all mentioned in high reguard.

As far as Kings X at the festival...I love this band and while I would love to see them in something other than a small club....really not the best fit for this festival unless it was a farewell gig or something of astounding uniqueness or importance....ok....farwell gig would qualify as the latter.