What about Kings X?

Wow...not even in their league?....No matter how you personally feel about their music...this is a poor assesment of Kings X.... they are well within if not above the league of both SymX and Oliva and I am sure both would agree...at least to the within part...lol........mind you I hold all mentioned in high reguard.

Yeah anybody that says Kings X is not in the league of SymX or Oliva is lost & misinformed. King's X were doing it on an elevated level before Savatage were getting any recognition and way before SymX was even a thought in Romeo's mind. Savatage never reached the level of success because King's X were accepted to a certain extent by the "pop" lovers with the rotation of "Black Flag" on MTV. Catchy & melodic song that got alot of attention. Yes...this was back in the day...but the material King's X was producing was definitely not mainstream...which has not changed to this day. They have obviously stuck to their guns in the face of adversity. Suffice it to say, nothing Oliva has done (with the exception of the Trans Siberian project, but that's a whole other genre) or Symphony X has done will get that kind of recognition.
Wow...not even in their league?....No matter how you personally feel about their music...this is a poor assesment of Kings X.... they are well within if not above the league of both SymX and Oliva and I am sure both would agree...at least to the within part...lol........mind you I hold all mentioned in high reguard.

Let me clarify my statement a bit. I wasn't talking about how talented they are, how long they've been around, who sold more albums, etc. What I meant by "not even in their league" was how Jon Oliva/Savatage is held in high reguard as legendary by most ProgPower attendees and Symphony X as one of the "founding fathers" of ProgPower have both earned the right to play this fest whether they "tour" a few cities in the US or not. In comparison, Kings X have no ties to the fest, fans seem to be split on how they feel about them and they tour the US extensively. So in that reguard, "Kings X isn't even in their league." Sorry for the confusion.
I'm not even that big of a fan (only heard a couple songs...decent but not great)...but for those who don't think they would fit or aren't Metal...the last time I checked there are a few bands every year playing PP who I'd hardly consider Metal but they never get called out.

Maybe because they have long hair they are Metal.:rolleyes: