What about that mix - opinions, please


7 string shredder
Aug 27, 2007
Hello, my first (pro) mix.

Drums are a mix of BFD with EZ and some other samples gathered from anywhere. Kick is 50% Fredman, snare is 35% Pearl Vinnie Paul. I guess I overcompressed it, but in order to achieve that Evergrey feel on drums I believe this is the technique.

Guitars were recorded with a Schecter Blackjack C-7 and a Caparison Custom over Revalver II, the usual technique with impulses front and beetween, fully featured onto this forum, nothing new. Oh, yes, there are 8 tracks: 4 rhythm fully L/R, 2 leads (PodXt Live with Ibanez TS808 in front of it) 60% L/R, 2 center (one for the part in the beginning and the middle another lead).

Bass is a Warwick Streamer Pro 5 through Ampeg plugin. Keybs are Korg Triton.

My ears are tired so I ask you kindly to share some of your experience over this mix. Thanks a lot.

Blinded by demons

LE: after the following feedback I made a new mix, Blinded by demons new mix
sounds good, snare and hi hats are much too loud and guitars seem to be smothered by the drums. Snare is very fake sounding too and the overall power could really do with coming up IMO. Bring up the guitar so its clearly and there's a good drive to it. I really like the song though, good sound overall apart from a few levels
Guys, thanks for the feedback :)
Indeed, there were problems with the snare. I hope I manage to solve it now. Check out this new mix. I changed the compressor over the snare and the snare itself and put the levels a bit down and also for the hihats. I put up the guitars a bit and changed some EQ curves for the leads. I brought the bass level 2dB up (Nuendo) and recorded a "middle" guitar for the bridge section, the place where the keyboard will have its solo.
The only mastering thing I did is simple CD master preset of Waves's Ultramaximizer L1.

Blinded by demons new mix