What about 'Yes' ?

hey man u deserved it :grin:

You guys have to check out Black Widow´s Sacrifice (satanic progrock from the 70´s) They´re funny
Mick Moss said:
OK Im setting myself up for a fall here, but I just love 70's Yes music. Seeing as Deep Purple are getting an airing, does anyone else care for the high pitched prog-rockers with Roger Dean artwork and Rick Wakemans fast wanking??

Yes was fantastic for about their first 5 years (until Going for the one for me, afterwards :Shedevil:

It's all with them 'progressive' acts, in the beginning they were fine,
afterwards just crawling someone's ear if you know what I mean

One of me fav is also Peter Hammill and Van der Graaf Generator
"I´v e heard that Budgie is "Rush meets Sabbath"?
Are they good?"

emmm...they're okay. they're sure aint prog. more like heavy boogie rokk
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
peter hammill is fucken +56. brilliant stuff that is.

Next time you'll be here we organise a Hammill evening, he's the one who looked out on the sea and realized its infinty by the littleness of mankind
wowo did I said it well this way ? I don't know It's just a feeling
not many musicians have it
a mix of despair and loneliness and HOPE
it doesnt mean anything. the new katatonia is influenced by nu-metal and still i think its shit.
Oded said:
Don Corleone,
That's cool you're into Deep Purple and Hawkwind. What bands have played Istanbul lately? I've heard about more and more going there, which is great.
Rick Wakeman has good solo stuff, although he did once record an album about King Arthur, which was written for ice-skating!
King Arthur on Ice! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! :zombie:

we've had dream theater, blind guardian (hehe and the cranberries) lately (well, if it can really be called "lately.")

anyways, i have my own plans for the end of may...for antimatter...we'll see what happens. im working on it :)

about wakeman: i didnt know it was composed so as to be played there?? he also did another album i think (instrumental) where he had a song for each wife of king henry? am i mistaken?
here Don last week I set a dial up password for one of our business clients as "hawkwind" (cos thats what I was listening to. When I told him him the password he said: "oh right, like that old band" jeesuz most ppl have to know "silver machine" at least.