Saw YES live in concert last night...

estimate said:
Well, I don't want to read a concert review about another band on Opeths page. Can't you understand that?

BTW: If you like Yes better, why don't you post it on their forum, if they have one. Or another forum with general music. Just because Opeth are like fans of Yes, does not make it very Opeth-related. I have never heard of this "major" Yes-influence anyway.

i never said opeths music was necessarily largely influenced by yes music...but the band loves Yes, ive spoken to them several times about the band itself, and others like well as them mentioning it in interviews.

Either way, its no skin off your back for a few reasons:

A - You dont have to read this thread, you could tell what this was about just by looking at the thread name

B - This forum needed some spunk other than the usual "whats your favorite song on morningrise"...or..."Still life me"

C - Look at all the people posting here interested in this topic, you are the absolute minority, so chill.

......can't you understand that? :Smug:
LordHypnos said:
A - You dont have to read this thread, you could tell what this was about just by looking at the thread name

Does not say it belong here. I believe you could have put it somewhere else.

LordHypnos said:
B - This forum needed some spunk other than the usual "whats your favorite song on morningrise"...or..."Still life me"

Sure it needs some spunk, but hey, this does not do it for me. Sorry.

LordHypnos said:
C - Look at all the people posting here interested in this topic, you are the absolute minority, so chill.

Well, even thought people seem interested, I still believe this ain't the right place. It was not interesting for me.

LordHypnos said:
......can't you understand that? :Smug:

Please understand me.
I do understand you......i understand youre an ignorant close minded jackass without much of a point other than whining for the sake of attention in a topic you dont need to have any part of at all...and thus are the complete minority with the opinion you hold on this.

understand yourself maybe? :Smug:
LordHypnos said:
I do understand you......i understand youre an ignorant close minded jackass without much of a point other than whining for the sake of attention in a topic you dont need to have any part of at all...and thus are the complete minority with the opinion you hold on this.

understand yourself maybe? :Smug:

You thing I'm doing this for fucking attention? And how come I'm close minded? You gotta explain that one. I was fucking shocking when I when into this thread, and found out it was actually a REVIEW of a bands concert that I first thought had nothing to do with Opeth. But hey, since I'm such a nice guy, I can let you have this thread. (But I'm not letting go the fact that it could have been made at a better place.)
You can "let me have this thread"?!?

as if my life was dependant on it? as if my self esteem was hanging in the balance, and i was just fucking lucky enough to have such an amazing and kind person like yourself give me the only thing in the world i wanted?!

how about stepping off your high horse and sucking my cock?

how shocked are you now douche bag?
LordHypnos said:
how about stepping off your high horse and sucking my cock?

how shocked are you now douche bag?

Mark said:
Please note, this forum is for Opeth discussion only. Flame wars, personal attacks, and other disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated - anyone wishing to push these limits may well find their account suspended without notice.

This forum is provided (and paid for) by Opeth for discussion about the band's music and performances. Please refrain from using it for anything else.

And because you suddenly started flame wars and personal attacks, you automatically lose the debate. That's a standard within the art of communication.
i dont see you posting in other non opeth related threads and bitching about the subject matter. get a job or something, the fact that youre so anal about this thread is rediculous. some self evaluation is in order here.
estimate said:
Does not say it belong here. I believe you could have put it somewhere else.

Sure it needs some spunk, but hey, this does not do it for me. Sorry.

Well, even thought people seem interested, I still believe this ain't the right place. It was not interesting for me.

Please understand me.
The only thing to understand is that you're a fucking moron. End of story. Jesus fucking christ.
LordHypnos said:
i dont see you posting in other non opeth related threads and bitching about the subject matter. get a job or something, the fact that youre so anal about this thread is rediculous. some self evaluation is in order here.

You give a fucking review of another band in the Opeth-forum. What do you want me to say?