What album pumps you up the most?

Murda4Hire said:
naw. tools was a little ep or what ever the little cds are called, lol. it only had like 4 songs or someshit. Necroticism: Descanting The Insalubrious. there it is. i googled it for speeling purpouses.. :Smokin:

But the point is: your av is Tools of the Trade. This is Necroticism:

SheisMySin said:
>>>Older Iron Maiden pumps me up.
>>fucking fool

You're an idiot, bro.

Then again, early 80's metal pumping you up sounds about right for you.


I'd rather be pumped up by 80's iron maiden than nightwish bro!
I love Nightwishm but it certainly doesn't pump me up.

Just seems like every thread about "what band does <insert emotion>" elicits the response of everyone posting their favorite bands.

How does 80's metal singing about fantasy shit (good stuff btw, just not something I would wanna listen to when angry) come close to hateful emotional stuff with good riffs that really infect your body?

I'm all about opinions, but saying Maiden pumps someone up is just donkeyballs. :p

SheisMySin said:
I love Nightwishm but it certainly doesn't pump me up.

Just seems like every thread about "what band does <insert emotion>" elicits the response of everyone posting their favorite bands.

How does 80's metal singing about fantasy shit (good stuff btw, just not something I would wanna listen to when angry) come close to hateful emotional stuff with good riffs that really infect your body?

I'm all about opinions, but saying Maiden pumps someone up is just donkeyballs. :p

EDIT: For the English, hearing Churchills speech, followed by Aces High, is enough to make you clench your fists and punch the nearest German.


Good point, well made.

Except the last part.
Getting pumped up does not mean you have to be or feel angry.

Getting pumped up to me is when you feel good and feel like rocking out instead of feeling like shit. to me anyways

Maybe i'm missing the point of this thread.

Churchills Speech, followed by Aces High, is enough to make me want to get a light to Germany and start punching random Krauts.
>>>Getting pumped up to me is when you feel good and feel like rocking out instead of feeling like shit. to me anyways

Well in that case, put me down for Bon Jovi, Huey Lewis, and Nightwish.
Susperia said:
I don't do "rocking out". =/

Aw, come on...

No headbanging??

No air guitar??

Air drums??

Hairbrush as mic in mirror??

Jumping on yer dang bed, ferchrissakes?!