What album pumps you up the most?

A lot of Kataklysm's shit sounds like one of their hit songs. They do seem to have half good songs and half fillers on their later albums, unfortunately. Their earlier stuff is probably their most likable.
The problem with Kataklysm (and I'm a fan btw - they RULE live) and a lot of other bands, is that a 40 second clip of a song on it's own is great to listen to. It's more metal than the radio or MTV plays, and is headbanging shit that gets you pumped.

But I don't buy Cd's for 40 second or even 5 minute intervals. I want a CD to have a little variety and interest that I can listen to the whole thing for. It's hard to stay into a CD that sounds the same for 45 minutes...no matter how cool it is.

SheisMySin said:
The problem with Kataklysm (and I'm a fan btw - they RULE live) and a lot of other bands, is that a 40 second clip of a song on it's own is great to listen to. It's more metal than the radio or MTV plays, and is headbanging shit that gets you pumped.

But I don't buy Cd's for 40 second or even 5 minute intervals. I want a CD to have a little variety and interest that I can listen to the whole thing for. It's hard to stay into a CD that sounds the same for 45 minutes...no matter how cool it is.


yes i have experienced this as well. Good thing I didn't buy the cd myself and instead uploaded it from a friend.
SheisMySin said:
>>>Well being a Nightwish can I can understand how you don't know how to open your fucking ears.

I swear to god metalheads are the most idiotic music listeners on the face of the planet.

Here's my impression of half the people on this board...

"You suck! You and your music tastes suck because you don't like what I like!! Only my opinion matters!! Only music I like is good music, and everything I don't like sucks!!! Shut the fuck up because you like a band that other people like!!! God I hate people who like music that is remotely popular!!! I only like super obscure bands no one has ever heard of because it makes me special!!! Oh yeah, I am also required to worship Maiden, Priest, Cryptopsy, Marduk, Emporer and Sabbath because if I don't everyone will pick on me."

Fine - whichever Kataklysm CD YOU like is the best one....happy? Like I give a fuck what you think is better. :) I like some maiden, but Sabbath is boring, and Priest's vocals annoy the shit out of me. Bolt Thrower's vox make me laugh and Nile and Cryptopsy sound the same after 4 minutes. They have little creativity. Most black metal is just a monotonous wall of distorted blastbeats with the same hokey vocals. I don't like bands you like...and I'm GLAD I don't like what you fucking like or else I'd be a clone. Give me a break...



Wow, that whole post was so full of complete bullshit that you need to be slaughtered immediately.

You just totally dissed the best vocalist in the history of metal. Well done you stupid cunt.

As for the rest of it, I'm not even going to waste my time.
Sabbath is borring ?


You have cum in your ears.
>>>You just totally dissed the best vocalist in the history of metal. Well done you stupid cunt.


That's what I'm talking about! I love hearing that shit.

It's so fucking hysterical fags need to declare him the best singer because everyone else does. Hey...guess what, I don't like my metal vocals to sound like the singer got stabbed in the balls with an ice pick.

High pitched screams are from the 80's, black spandex...it's so fucking gay. Congrats to him for having high pitch range...but it isn't my thing.

>>>Sabbath is borring ?

Kudos to them for being pioneers, but they have a dated sound that I don't like. Plus Ozzy's vox are whiny as fuck.

SheisMySin said:
>>>You just totally dissed the best vocalist in the history of metal. Well done you stupid cunt.


That's what I'm talking about! I love hearing that shit.

It's so fucking hysterical fags need to declare him the best singer because everyone else does. Hey...guess what, I don't like my metal vocals to sound like the singer got stabbed in the balls with an ice pick.

High pitched screams are from the 80's, black spandex...it's so fucking gay. Congrats to him for having high pitch range...but it isn't my thing.

>>>Sabbath is borring ?

Kudos to them for being pioneers, but they have a dated sound that I don't like.


This just goes to show that you've never really listened to any Judas Priest before. Halford doesn't always sing in his falsetto (or that high pitch range like your ignorant ass said). Stop talking shit about the greats just because you've never listened to them. Nightwish fucking suck, and that's a fact.
Saying Sabbath is boring and that Nile sounds the same after 4 minutes is like saying that...

That Eminem and Snoop revolutionized metal and sodomized many virgin whores along the way.
SheisMySin said:

Stop being a retard and learn how to use the goddamn Quote button. What the hell is with this >>>> nonsense? It makes your already retarded posts even more difficult to stomach.
MetalNoob said:
Sure you did. Norway is actually occupied by generally nice people, and not everyone their is in black metal cults that constantly kill. Your a steriotyping idiot, please die.

I have the most amazing idea.
How about you stop acting like a retard, and stop attacking everything I say.
I was making a BM joke, which you wouldn't understand. I know it's full of nice people. It's as full of nice people as you are of shit. But it's where black metal hails from.

So shut up. ;/