Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst
Death - Individual Thought Patterns
Amon Amarth - Once Sent From the Twilight Hall
Satyricon/Enslaved - The Forest Is My Throne
Vader - Litany
Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
I've got about a 30-CD list, but this is the priority stuff at the moment.
I have all of these.
Anyway, here's mine:
Allen / Lande - The Battle
Ashes to Ashes (Nor) - Shapes Of Spirits
Ashes to Ashes (Nor) - Cardinal VII
Baptism - Morbid wings of Sathanas
Belenos - Spicilège
Carcass - Swansong
Chthonic - Seediq Bale
Cult of Catharsis - Lord of the gallows/Unleash the
Darkwater - Calling the Earth to Witness
Diabolicum - The Dark Blood Rising (The Hatecrowned Retaliation)
Dodsferd - Desecrating the Spirit of Life
Dodsferd - Fucking Your Creation
Dragonland - The Battle of the Ivory Plains
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Drudkh - Anti-Urban
Enslaved (Nor) - Frost
Enslaved (Nor) - Eld [
Funeral Forest - Misanthropy and Intolerance ]
Haggard - And Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer
Haggard - Eppur Si Muove
Hammers of Misfortune - The Bastard
Horde - Hellig Usvart
Immortal (Nor) - Immortal
Immortal (Nor) - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Isengard (Swe) - Feel No Fear
Jotunspor - Gleipnirs Smeder
Jørn - The Gathering
Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death
Lunaris - ...The Infinite
Lunaris - Cyclic
Mannaz - Lost in the Past - Saison Sous La Neige
Mastodon - Slick Leg
Melechesh - Emissaries
Meshuggah - Contradictions Collapse [
Mezzerschmitt - Weltherrschaft
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Naglfar (Swe) - Vittra
Nazgul (Ita) - De Expugnatione Elfmuth
Negurã Bunget - Zîrnindu-Sã
Negurã Bunget - 'n Crugu Bradului
Negurã Bunget - Om
Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy
Orcustus - Wrathrash
Pagan's Mind - Infinity Divine
Pagan's Mind - Celestial Entrance
Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic : Calling
Parnassus - Let the Stars Fall and the Kingdom Come
Primordial - Spirit The Earth Aflame
Primordial - Storm Before Calm
Puissance - State Collapse
Puissance - Grace Of God
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Summoning - Nightshade Forests
Thou Shalt Suffer - Somnium