what an atrocity the grammy's are

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
and the best metal band goes too:
Best Metal Performance
(For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances, with vocals. Singles or Tracks only.)

  • St. Anger
    Track from: St. Anger
    [Elektra Entertainment Group]
how? i mean... i knew the grammy's were a sham, but fuck. they cant award a grammy to metallica when they were good, but now they reward the worst record ever created.

what the fuck... im... wow... this is just beyond words. someone needs to kill the acadamy
shouldnt suprise you at all. i have no interest in the grammy's. it rewards the talentless retards who make fortunes out of idiots buying bad music.
(some exceptions to this rule though .. like i think gnr may have won an award or 2 and possibly some other decent bands, but as i said, i dont follow it)

however, in this case, just think of it as making up for past injustice rather than rewarding the recent rubbish produced.
thank your lucky stars you don't have the 'Brits' that pretty much ignore metal completely.

especially witht he fucking joke that is having The Darkness nominated in Best Breakthrough Band & British Band
yes, this does suprise me. i can ignore the fact that they always award bands that write bad music. but this album is just unlistenable, not only for bad music, but bad production as well. i fully expected this album to get the shaft because of its horrid sound. i expected someone like linkin park or limp bizkit to win. atleast you can here the crap they are playing.

and this is why i am amazed
All I have to say is FUCK THE GRAMMYS. The real musicians out there don't need to be acknowledged by some stupid award show that only recognizes the bands that sell the most records. The best bands that the underground has to offer will keep quietly perfecting their musical craft and hopefully we'll all continue ignoring the cheap, soulless, money-driven music industry that is only perpetuated by retarded shit like the Grammys.
Thats not the point. The point is that the public in general doesn't recognise than underground metal even exists. We'd just like some recognition for once. At least, thats MY personal opinion.
Why is recognition needed tanith? Everyone lives diverse lives. Some people like cock rock and they're happy with it. This music isnt for everybody. That's why it stays underground. Most people could care less about talent. It's all about image in this media driven world. Thats why theres beyonce's and good charlotte's. I personally rather have metal remain hidden. I dont need teeny boppers polluting my society.