What are the cons of timestretch editing ?


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2017
Hello guys,

I know : the best way to edit is to avoid doing it by recording tight tracks.

However, I would like to know the cons of timestretching guitar DI tracks. I see a lot of people who say "I only time strech in last resort."

I was slip-editing until now, but the AudioWarp tool on Cubase seems awesome to me. It is way faster and doesn't seem to create artifacts (unless I push it too much).

Am I missing something ?

Warping/ stretching allow to fix problems that shouldn't be there in first place. It's better to do note by note punch in recording rather doing stretching. I consider punch in method to be a last resort and stretching as a shittiest help. Stretching is blurring note attack, so making it weaker, and of course adding distortion after it will mask those lost details, but it won't be as it could be without stretching.
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