What are you listening to?

Any suggestions on where I can find any CDs from these guys? I've already checked eBay with no luck.

I think I've found all of them on ebay, a couple of years ago. Mostly german sellers have mid-90s bands and albums.

The first album is a bit rough and the production sounds like "a good demo", the other three are excellent.

I also recommend you to look on emule for an "album" called Sundance, which features the 4 japanese bonus tracks (all very good), 4 rough mix demos from parallel minds and 4 live tracks taken from the Power Of Metal live album (if you like Rage and/or Gamma Ray, go for that anyway, it is great!).

Anyway: http://search.ebay.it/conception-flow_W0QQfrppZ50QQfsopZ1QQmaxrecordsreturnedZ300

http://cgi.ebay.it/Power-Of-Metal-2...goryZ307QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem (this one is the edition I have with 2 bonus tracks)