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Journey: Any Way You Want It

I can't believe it!!! I didn't know Journey until recently, but this song sure brings childhood memories :waah: (ahhhh horrible times, but still good music :rock: ).

The reason it is more of the same is because Ritchie is 'locked within the crystal ball'!!!:lol:

NP: Grillos - Amarillo Cian y Magenta

:lol: :lol: Made my day!

I made a review for the cd, if you know Spanish you can read it here:

http://www.metalicos.com/Paginas/Compact Disc/Resenas/BlackmoresNight_SecretVoyage.htm

I gave it a 45/100, they deserve that score, the cd is truly bad IMO. Horrible, simply horrible *pukes*.
I've been listening to the 2 new songs of the Extreme website constantly all week, click below to hear them.


I can't wait to see them in November.