What are you listening to?

LavagesOfTime said:
your pusher sells good stuff :p

anyway, if you're into falsettos, you've got to like the Darkness! :D

As strange as it might seem, I don't like The Darkness at all! While King comes across as convincing, serious and scary, I find The Darkness falsettos to be too cartoonish for my taste. Please don't be offended. The Brightness probably rocks:) :headbang:

Phew...thank God I put the last line for my personal protection!:lol:
forgottenglory said:
The Brightness probably rocks:) :headbang:

thank God I put the last line for my personal protection!:lol:

you got it: we do rock and you are safe!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Any of you heard Paatos ? Since inside out bands come to italy very rarely, and they are coming even in Rome (supporting Porcupine Tree, one of the few prog bands who have a lot of success here), I'd like to give 'em a try!
LavagesOfTime said:
you got it: we do rock and you are safe!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Any of you heard Paatos ? Since inside out bands come to italy very rarely, and they are coming even in Rome (supporting Porcupine Tree, one of the few prog bands who have a lot of success here), I'd like to give 'em a try!

Hmmm...I've never listened to Paatos. Where are they from and what genre do they play? Do they have a website?

Right now listening to...yep you guessed it:

Welcome Home - KING DIAMOND

From the fantastic THEM concept album...would you care to join me for tea?