What are you listenning now???

I am new to this Forum. Just Registered.
Seems like everyone here is pretty cool!

Sure is a lot of Info fro me to catch-up on!

Here is what i am listening to (Just bought):

Symphony X - V
Never heard them before! Just purchased it on a whim. GREAT Stuff!

Brainstorm - Ambiguity
Same story as above. This album is KILLER! Looked at the Bands Website & found this Forum!

Down - 2
Havent gotten to this one yet.

I'm usually hanging-out over at the Voivodfan Forum.
Happy i got the Brainstorm CD & found this place!

Stay BRUTAL, yall! :D
The last few days I'm stick with.......:
Morbid Angel - Altars of madness
Ved Buens Ende - Written in waters
D.D. - Sacrilegium
In the Woods... - 3 times 7 on a pilgrimage
Last weeks:


Taake - Blorgvins
Arkhon Infaustus - Hell Injection
Gloomy Grim - Written in Blood
Cadaveria - The Shadow's Madame
Bludgeon - Crucify the Priest
Catamenia - Eskhata
Obsidian Gate - Colossal Christhunt
Sinister - Creative Killings

NP - Hypocrisy - Osculum Obscenum (live)
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Demise - The Thirteenth Table
Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest
Mastodon - Remission
Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
and last but definitely not least..
Cattle Decapitation - To Serve Man
All the Ozzy/Dio Black Sabbath albums.
Death - Human
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Belmez - Wundgrind
Gontyna Kry - Krew Naszych Ojców
An old metal compilation with WASP, Twisted Sister and so on.
Sex Pistols - Kiss This
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle Earth.
Some Blind Guardian and Agathodaimon MP3s.

And I'm writing a new demo, so:

Monolythic Idol - Monolythic Idol