What are you playin musically


Oct 26, 2006
Northern Ireland, UK
if you play guitar or drums or bass or even sing im just curious to know what songs have you been playing recently???

i play drums and over the past couple of days ive been playing Wait Outside, Sweet Nurse and most of the Viva Emptiness album, Laid To Rest by Lamb of God and a lot of paradise lost and motley crue.
haha im sure they do

i also forgot to put Soil's Song on my list, im like fucking obsessed with that song, by far my fave on TGCD

and also my guitarist is startin to send me more mp3's so im workin out drum stuf for them
yeh i have double bass pedal but im not super fast at it so i have to stick to stuff i wont struggle with, but it is fun playin songs and addin double bass in it, like during the chorus for Burn the Rememberance you know the way it is repeated, well on the 2nd tim its played i would add quick little triplets in, simple but i find it fun to play
Hmm, I don't really play specific songs. If I play along to music I like to play the exact same thing that drummer plays, otherwise it's a bit confusing and stuff. But to do that I find it necesary to write out the entire drumsheet (you learn a lot by that!!), but I simply don't really have time for that...
Though I still like to play Rusted and My Twin by Katatonia, and for my double bass training I sometimes do a bit of Narcosynthesis by Nevermore and well, I can play a pretty big part of Soul Burn by Meshuggah, so that's fun too.
I'm working on jazz a lot, but I just play exercises for that (sometimes along with a cd, like Miles Davis etc.)

Lately I'm figuring out some Nevermore solo's (the not-very-fucking-fast ones:D) like the diminished solo in The Riverdragon Has Come (don't worry, I can't do it at full speed (yet:heh: ) the solo in Beyond Within and the one in This Sacrament. I'm a bit obsessed with speed lately.
I also enjoy playing along to random Gojira songs, Tool songs, Katatonia songs (not very much cause I have to tune my guitar to C, which isn't véry good to do regularly), Devin Townsend songs etc.
For my guitarlessons I'm working on jazz and blues and mostly just theory (I'm training to be accepted at the music-highschool, conservatorium in Dutch)
yeh same as your drums i would go along with wat the drummer is playin but sometimes i just have urges to add double bass, so i try to fit some in on the chorus wer i think it will fit or watever
i growl, do clean vocals and play guitar. when i play guitar i mostly play my own songs and some Death of course. i'm a pretty untechnical rhythm guitarist and mainly write riffs/songs etc. when i growl i also do it to my own songs as well as a lot of death metal and doom/death (dismember, suffocation, katatonia, death, malevolent creation etc.). my clean vocs are not very professional but they have potential. i need to develop them bigtime to use seriously though.

www.myspace.com/reluctancy if ya wanna hear me rock out some oldschool DM on guitar and vox
Vocals first and foremost, cleans, growls, screams, falsettos :p
Bass (Should be practicing more)
And starting to get into Drums

One man band here I come!
I play guitar. Mostly play my own stuff but I've been spending some time figuring out "Garden of Light" by ISIS. Got the basic song down, just a couple parts where theres three guitars going on that I haven't gotten every part figured out yet. Tabbed most of it out if anyone wants it. Gonna tab the end soon.