What are your thoughts on people born here but who don't call themselves Australians?


\m/ Scanner Scrag \m/
Jun 22, 2008
I'm not wanting this to be a rascist discussion but just wondering cause lately at work i've been serving SHITLOADS of elderley and young ethnics (won't say which country) who speak in a different language non-stop, and it just kinda annoyed me and i found it quite rude, like they'd speak to me in english and then its like they're always bitching about me in another language. They feel more like tourists when they've been here either for 40 years or since birth.

anyway on to the topic with the above already annoying me i now come across to some of my work colleagues some as young as 16 who were born here n etc and have prob never left the country but still they call themselves on their myspace's and facebook's 100% [insert another country].

i dunno i just find it incredibly rude to be born here and then go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how great the country that your grandparents came from is and then rather call yourself [insert country] instead of Australian.

Discuss, does it annoy you to?
I know its kinda rascist but im not a rascist per se, i for filo nephews n etc.
its just been getting to me at the moment casue lately i've been having to deal it everyday at work like its ALWAYS in my face, so it really irritates the shit outta me :(
personally, don't really give a fuck what they call themselves because it's how they act that matters.

look at it this way: even though they are born here are they really accepted by us here?
they are still in clustered introverted communities that still feel that they are not welcome or intergrated into Australian society and culture, so of course they are going to cling to what they know and teach their children to do the same thing as well.
It's the children of those who are born year that will be more intergrated and Australianised because they've had time to make that bridge of understanding and see what their parents did.

we've seen it with the Greek, Serbs, Croats, Asian immigrants et cetera and such and in ten years time, we'll see the same with all the African refugees and their families.

now the real issue is when a group fell that they are being isolated by both sides and then adopt and invent a form of culture which is both what they know and uniquely their own (usually by stealing stuff from other groups and sub-cultures and mixing it with fundamental views of tradition) and then turn against everyone else in violent and criminal outbursts. Returning what they feel has been done to them.

who cares if they want to speak the language of their parents but fuck them if they want to be violent towards everyone who is not them or opposed to them and fuck them more if they or anyone else brings race into it (looking at you, Allan Jone,s you fucking maggot!).

as for this:
i dunno i just find it incredibly rude to be born here and then go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how great the country that your grandparents came from is and then rather call yourself [insert country] instead of Australian.

mate, I've got mates who are 3rd generation Aussie born from Croat stock and they still go on about what so and so did to their family's village 300 years ago.
I just tell them to get over it and if they like it there so much, go back and then see how good they have it here.

same with a Lebanese mate of mine who survived the cival war over there.
everytime some little leb starts on about being lebanese, he tells them to fuck off back to Lebanon, where they won't last 5 seconds because they hate dickheads there as much as the rest of the world does.

if it upsets you so much, go have a cry, Princess, and then tell them, if you know them how you feel without insulting them about it.
if they continue on with it and make an issue out of it, ignore them until they do something really stupid and then make them suffer for it.
not because of their race but because they are fucking annoying idiots who need to wake up to themselves.

this rant has been brought to you by caffeine and sleep deprevation.
i also should have have said that i feel this way aswell from having been in a relationship with a maco chick last year, her grandparents absolutley HATED me for the simple fact that i wasn't maco!
yet they happily live here and bullshit to your face.
yeah i should've LOL, the whole family were a pack of cunts, was glad it ended.

then when i started my new job middle last year WHAT DO YOU KNOW my fucking supervisor is this fucking maco twerp who goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on and on and on and on and about fucking great macodonia is how how beautiful a country it is!

stupid prick ended up leaving anyway cause they downgraded him AT A FUCKING supermarket!!!!
Re: speaking in a funny language, I've been overseas quite a few times and if I'm with friends/family I always speak English to them. Why would I speak German or French to the people I'm traveling with? If you went overseas would you spend the whole entire time speaking in the language of the country in question?

I hate it when people complain about tourists speaking in their own language all the time. It just screams ignorance.
no spiff im not talking about toursists, they're fine, im talking about people that are either born here or have been living here for 40+ years but still refuse to call themselves Australian and instead fly another nations flag outside their house n etc.
no spiff im not talking about toursists, they're fine, im talking about people that are either born here or have been living here for 40+ years but still refuse to call themselves Australian and instead fly another nations flag outside their house n etc.

fuck any cunt who flies the aussie flag in front of their house, from their car or just draped from their shoulders.

being Australian is fine but if you are going to do fuck knuckle gingoism you can piss right off! :mad:
fuck any cunt who flies the aussie flag in front of their house, from their car or just draped from their shoulders.

being Australian is fine but if you are going to do fuck knuckle gingoism you can piss right off! :mad:

ah dude ur so missing my point
no, I think anyone who flies a flag is a wanker but Aussies who beat their chests over the fucking australian flag and carry on like it is the be all and fucking end all are stupid stupid cunts.

im not talking about aussie wankers im talking about people that come here and refuse to become australians and instead stick with their old ideologies (sic) and bullshit that they left their old country for e.g. the ethnic fighting at the Aus open and etc
im not talking about aussie wankers im talking about people that come here and refuse to become australians and instead stick with their old ideologies (sic) and bullshit that they left their old country for e.g. the ethnic fighting at the Aus open and etc

I find both as bad as each other.

any excuse to fight and pick on someone different.

this is not only turning into a nation of fuckwits it also seems that we are importing cheaper foreign fuckwits as well.

such people, both aussie and immigrant, will always be a problem until we develop a true national identity and ethos that isn't exclusive and isolationist in nature whilst trying to emulate other nations and cultures (i.e. the USA) -as our mentality seems to be turning into.
fuck any cunt who flies the aussie flag in front of their house, from their car or just draped from their shoulders.

being Australian is fine but if you are going to do fuck knuckle gingoism you can piss right off! :mad:

Isn't this what started the cronulla "incident"?

fuck me....I thought this site was about music
I promise when I finally become an Aussie citizen I will only speak in English. :)

It's unlikely that I will bang on about how great home is, however I might moan about the lack of cool shops, clubs, and general places to hang out. I hope my new Australian country men won't find this too offensive. :)

Seriously, I sort of understand where you're coming from, given that the UK is pretty much an open market for immigration. I have a friend that was born here and lately has been making weird comments about not knowing about English food, English TV shows, and other odd little things. She's fairly vociferous on the point ("Well how am I supposed to know, I'm not from here!" kind of stuff), and it kinda bothers me, though I'll be honest I don't know why. Apparently, her home country of Morrocco is amazing, yet, here she is slumming it with the rest of us. I'm finding many of the people I know who run the place down are Muslim, so I'm thinking it's not so much a country thing, more of a religion thing. People talking in their own language doesn't bother me at all UNLESS I am a customer in a store. Then it drives me fucking mad.

I had an Aussie mate that was here for about 7 years. Pretty much from the moment she touched down at Heathrow she started slagging the place off. I went out to dinner with her one night when one of her best friends came over. We sat in a restaurant while they bitched about everything they could ("Stupid fuckin' country, fuckin' stairs everywhere, you don't get this back home." Oh yes, I'm serious). I snapped after that and spent the next four years to telling her if she didn't like it then fuck off back home. Eventually she did. :)
he tells them to fuck off back to Lebanon, where they won't last 5 seconds because they hate dickheads there as much as the rest of the world does.

This made me laugh. As for the flag-flying thing, I love the flag. I don't have a problem with people flying the flag, I have a problem with people not treating it with respect. Using it as a symbol of hatred, letting it drag along the ground like a cape, all that sort of shit: that's disrespectful to the nation as a whole, because that's what the flag symbolises - Australia! I don't hate people who fly the flag unless they are doing it for the wrong reason ("In yer face, wogs! I'M AN AUSSIE!").

As for Terry's point, people are the product of their environment. An Aussie-born kid with Croatian parents who grows up in a Croatian community surrounded by Croatians is going to identify as much as a Croatian as an Australia, probably more. I just finished reading Hazem el Masri's biography (Lebanese-born NRL player) and it really helped me to understand why migrants behave the way they do and believe the things they do. It's sad that Tez copped that prejudice from his Macedonian girlfriend's parents, but that's a really universal, ingrained thing that will take many more years of integration to remove. I know of Anglo Aussies that hate their son's Chinese girl just because she's Chinese! For no other reason. I said to them once, "Why don't you like her?" and they said, "She's Asian." I said, "So what?". "It's just not right. He should find a nice Aussie girl." They couldn't understand how she could be Aussie AND Chinese, and they didn't realise that it just doesn't matter. All they could see was their son fathering kids with swarthy skin, black hair and slanted eyes. To them, that was the worst thing imaginable.

Bev - Aussies whinging when they are overseas is just as shit as people coming here and whinging about us. Just tell 'em to get fucked.