What band deserved to make it out of the 80s and didn't?

Badlands was pretty bluesy though. When was the last time that was popular? The 70s? Even in the 80s they were really only popular with Ray Gillen and Jake E. Lee fanboys.

Not that they weren't incredible
I'm thinking of bands that were huge during the 80s though. It's hard to argue that a band should have been popular coming out of that era when they weren't even popular in the era they were supposed to thrive in. I think Pantera's the only one that went from marginal hair band to out of this world popularity with a new sound.
Badlands didn't make it because Ray Gillen died. Even though they had problems, I think that the band would have survived for a few years had Ray not been ill.
Vain was, and still is awesome! I remember the "No Respect" disc, and it was fucking wow!!! A few years down the road I found their 2nd disc, paid out the ass for it because it was a Japanese import, and it was worth every penny. Same with the 3rd, still great after all these years. Locate "All Those Strangers" if you can find it. The disc was supposed to be their 2nd one, but label interference scrapped it. Thanks to the internet era this disc can be found easily.

Salty Dog deserved to be huge. Rumor has it that heroin ended their short stint along with the grunge problem stealing some thunder.

Wildside deserved more than they got. Even though they were early 90's, grunge destroyed another otherwise promising career.

There are tons of bands out there that deserved so much more than they received...Fastway, White Lion, Dirty Looks, etc...
Badlands didn't make it because Ray Gillen died. Even though they had problems, I think that the band would have survived for a few years had Ray not been ill.
Vain was, and still is awesome! I remember the "No Respect" disc, and it was fucking wow!!! A few years down the road I found their 2nd disc, paid out the ass for it because it was a Japanese import, and it was worth every penny. Same with the 3rd, still great after all these years. Locate "All Those Strangers" if you can find it. The disc was supposed to be their 2nd one, but label interference scrapped it. Thanks to the internet era this disc can be found easily.

Salty Dog deserved to be huge. Rumor has it that heroin ended their short stint along with the grunge problem stealing some thunder.

Wildside deserved more than they got. Even though they were early 90's, grunge destroyed another otherwise promising career.

There are tons of bands out there that deserved so much more than they received...Fastway, White Lion, Dirty Looks, etc...

I heard the singer of Salty Dog died of heroin overdose. Great band though.

Badlands was bluesy.. but isn't all rock and roll blues based?
It certainly was in the 80s, but I think rock and metal today, even in the current MTV rock scene, has moved completely into its own. I just don't hear much bluesiness in modern rock or metal.

If anything, our metal owes more to Bach and jazz these days than Miles Davis.
Kingdom Come/ Stone Fury

Eh. Scorpions sold out for a bit there. So, that really was their own demise. Sort of the same thing happened with Marillion since their popularity declined after Fish's departure.

I do agree with everyone though in terms of King's X. It's really quite amazing that they didn't get popular. I loved seeing them open for Porcupine Tree, but from what I hear they only get a couple hundred usually for their headline shows. Quite a shame, really.
COBRA with Jimi Jamison and Mandy Meyer. "First Strike" was a great album, but something just killed their momentum. Rock Candy re-issued the album and it sounds excellent.

COBRA is a great album! I didn't realize that Rock Candy had re-issued it. I'll have to check it out.

My vote goes to both Skid Row and Tesla. There's no reason in the world why both of these bands shouldn't have the popularity of Bon Jovi.

Badlands was pretty bluesy though. When was the last time that was popular? The 70s? Even in the 80s they were really only popular with Ray Gillen and Jake E. Lee fanboys.

Not that they weren't incredible

can you say Whitesnake??
For me it would have to be Krokus, UFO, and a very unknow AOR melodic band called New England.

All great bands...I really liked some of the later UFO stuff. New England only did the one album though so it would have been hard for them to get past the 80's :D. Loved the song Never Wanna Lose Ya...still one of my all time favorite songs.

Shooting Star was another band that I really thought had a bright future. They had 2 great releases and a so so third and then faded into the sunset.

As for the Scorpions, not only did they make it out of the 90s but the jumped in 21st century with some great releases.
Grim Reaper
Armored Saint
Celtic Frost
Voivod (Should be a lot bigger than they are now. Had a killer sound)