what band(s) first

This year (my first) I think it was more about just actually going, because when I bought tickets I didn't have a huge huge pull towards any of the bands, although now I'm really loving Orphaned Land, and quite happy with some others.
booB said:
I was already attending PP1 before Symphony X was confirmed (they were a replacement for Nevermore, who backed out). So they don't count, LOL... but the bands that really drew me were Evergrey, Destiny's End, Jag Panzer, Zero Hour, Power of Omens (who I missed :( ), Ion Vein, Reading Zero, and Onward. That's almost the entire lineup. ;) Etheria was also awesome (too bad they flaked out soon after PP1), and PoS made a new fan that weekend. To this day, I STILL think PP1 has had the best lineup (for my tastes) of any of the fests so far.

I'm jonesing for Jag Panzer to make their triumphant ProgPower return.

ditto...i loved PPI for most of the same reasons. but i pray that PP nevers sees the return of James Rivera, in any format!!!
rockyracoon said:
ditto...i loved PPI for most of the same reasons. but i pray that PP nevers sees the return of James Rivera, in any format!!!

Sounds like a story...you gotta share...

Rock on!
You don't really realize how many "old faithfuls" are still coming year-after-year from the beginning...which is great.

Obviously, PPIII was a big "breaking" kinda year. I'd never heard about the festival...saw a press release on BW&BK around February (or something like that)...looked up the website...called my wife into the room...showed her the roster...asked her, "Would you go to that show?"...she said "Hell, yeah! Where's it at?"...I said, "Atlanta...in November."...called up my buddy Rakosh in Amarillo...he's on board...then he ended up moving to Marietta in July...and the rest is history!

Never looking back...gonna keep supporting the single best thing to happen to the North American metal scene!

Rock on!
General Zod said:
I didn't go for any particular band. I don't even recall how many bands from PPII's line-up I was familair with, when I made the decision to go. I just went because it sounded like fun, and because a bunch of folks I knew from the Queensryche newsgroup were going.

Exactly why I went--how could I not at roughly $6 per band?? What a fine decision that turned out to be! :)
The only band I was familiar with *before* people started feeding me CDs from PP II bands in prep for the show was Vanden Plas. And yet PPII is probably my favorite overall line-up yet. Go figure. :)

Here's my story. I knew about PPI and PPII, but I was poorer then and it was more like "Cool that someone would put this thing together". Some really good bands were on those bills, but it didn't scream "blockbuster" until PPIII. I nearly crapped myself when I saw that lineup, but alas, knew again that it was beyond my reach. But from then on, I knew that this was the kind of event I had to attend at least once. So PPIV came along and I wasn't nearly as excited about the lineup, but almost went at the last minute anyway. Until I realized that it would take more money than I had.

Around March of 2004 I checked the actual ProgPower USA site for the first time to see if maybe I would be interested in going that year. Two names jumped out at me instantly: Kamelot and Edguy. I knew I had to go and spent the next few months saving my pennies, and I did and had the best time of my life. I knew this was no one-time event, that I was coming every year there was a decent lineup. And this year top's last years, so naturally I'm back. And I'm back for PPVII assuming Running Wild isn't the headliner.:)
ashaman7122 said:
Sounds like a story...you gotta share...

well at the time of PPI i was "underage" and sat outside in the parking for hours trying to memorize the details of my fake id. turns out it didnt matter, but a good memory nonetheless. i was pretty unfamiliar with quite a few bands there, with SX being the main draw for me. my mouth salavating for SX, i watched as the preceeding band was introduced, Destiny's End. after a long-winded diatribe from lead singer James Rivera, my ears were met with what i can best describe as PURE COMEDY!!! possibly the funniest band ive ever seen. afterwards i saw James Rivera outside and tried to compliment him with a courteous, "hey, nice show man." but i could not stomach it, nor would i have been able to keep a straight face. to further salt the wound, i had the displeasure of seeing James Rivera and his new band, Seven Witches open for SX YET AGAIN, at a small bar in a chicago suburb. keeping in mind this was years later, i swear to you Rivera's diatribe was identical to the one at PPI, and i must say the setlist was shockingly similar, even though it was a new band. His appearance alone is a PP memory i will never forget, but probably not one worth repeating...
James Rivera is awesome, and an EXTREMELY cool guy (there are not many as nice as him in the business). I've seen him perform once with Helstar and twice with Destiny's End. His voice isn't everyone's cup of tea, though.
booB said:
James Rivera is awesome, and an EXTREMELY cool guy (there are not many as nice as him in the business). I've seen him perform once with Helstar and twice with Destiny's End. His voice isn't everyone's cup of tea, though.

hey totally cool you're into the Rivera sound, just for me it was a different experience. plus, i think PP has made some pretty giant leaps and bounds past bands like Destiny's End and Seven Witches...imo