What cd's am I missing?


Jun 8, 2002
I was going through my room today and found 130$ in cash (don't ask me how I forgot about it). I spent it all at amazon.com and bought the following cd's.

Slayer - Show No Mercy
Death - Individual Thought Patterns
Arch Enemy - Stigmata
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
Agathodaimon - Chapter III
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Finntroll - Jaktens Tid
Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness

I also have a 100$ gift certificate for amazon.com that I have not spent yet, so if you have any ideas for other cd's that I should pick up I would appreciate it. I have already Dragonlord, 2 latest Nevermore, almost every Iced Earth, an Iron Maiden, the new Susperia, and the newest Nile, plus, a handful of Testament. I will definately buy at least one more Testament, but I doubt I'll spend 30$ on the version of the Gathering with the extra track.

Note:I do not care if you do not like a band that I have a cd of. Do not bother to post if that is all you have to say.
Get all of Dark Angel, Forbidden, Vio-Lence, Slayer, Cryptopsy, Nile, Iniquity, Immolation, Arch Enemy, Suffocation, Exhumed, Disgorge both (mex and US)...

Should be a good 30 or 40 CDs that you need to get. :p
Testament: The New Order, Low, and Live at the Fillmore; all Iron Maiden & Nevermore; aaaaaaannnndd, hhhmmmmmm....
Red Harvest! I don't know. They're cool; that sums up my immediate recommendations!
Testament - The Gathing, Low, Legacy, The New Order, (and prolly better get practice what you preach, Sins of ommision and Perlous nation are worth it alone!)
Death - Human <- probably your highest priority if you dont have it yet! better then thought patterns imo, though thaught patterns is great 2. (and then pick up the rest of the death albums, all great!)
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy, None so Vile <- oh yeah cant go wrong with there 2 best albums
Theory In Practice - Colonizing the Sun, (i bet u have no idea who they are. trust me its only a matter of time before this guys get very big, about as technical as cynic and as progressive as dream theater at times. has been, these guys rule ) there 3rd realse Colonizing is my fav sofar.
[Note to self: i still need to get that album :D]
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding <- i know what ur thinking, but check it out, try to get past that its the band you think is only for shock value, and focus on the tunes some really good tunes where they actuly play a wide range of music. [if u got an open mind]
Decapitated - Nihility <- solid death release (with suprizingly deep lyrics that have nothing to do with death.) [these guys will here more of in the future]
Dissection - Storm of the Lights bane (try to get this one with the 4 bonus tracks and the slayer cover... its hella cool) [if you dont know who they are then u should! a deffinat bye for any metal lover]
hope this helps
and hope its not to long! :lol:
:spin: :spin: :spin: